Look I been an independent moderate... but not inactive in politics and certainly not apathetic.
At times I vacillate
from depression to anger
But then I remember a few items:
- If you can have a calm discussion with some one else, understanding by them is more readily achieved.
- its not whether you get knocked down its how you get up.
- our democracy was actually based on strife between people.
Thats why we have checks and balances between the 3 branches, and again between the Federal the states, the counties/parishes and local municipalities. Read the Federalist Papers some time and you will see the constitution was mad with warring political and economic views - We are all Americans
- The more you don't like something in our government the more you need to make your point and support others....
Everyone except Non Patriots believes in Lfe, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness for all. So if someone thinks their Pursuit of Happiness infringes on someone else's Life and Liberty... thats unconscionable...
So you should feel better and empowered ... because we cheer you on as similar mined people!
So keep up the good fight!
Man this is a pretty intricate comment. It should be a post by itself.