Hail Britannia- Vanguard Of The NWO: An Update On Charlie Gard

in #life8 years ago


Please take a minute to look at that face and tell my why you would want to kill that infant. If you have a reason, I'll say to your face that you're no better than Hitler and the animals that ran his Eugenics program. In an age where consider ourselves "civilized" and "enlightened" ... where many have fought tirelessly for decades to get rid of the death penalty, arguing that it's "cruel & unusual" punishment... barbaric. Many of the same people people support the murder of that precious little boy... because??? I can't come up with one viable argument.

If Charlie's parents are willing to dedicate themselves to ensuring that his life has as much quality as humanly possible- there's no doubt as to the depth of their love- why is the decision being taken away from them by the British government? Because this is no longer about a parents' love for their child. This is about the rights of the individual vs. the awesome power of the State. This is about saving face. The government of the UK cannot allow an individual (or individuals) to to prevail- this is about Britain's role in the New World Order... a creation of their own.

Briefly, I want to go over the most recent developments since I last posted about this (see links below). First: The US has given Charlie and his family residency so they can bring him here for experimental treatment. Second: Dr. Michio Hirano, a Harvard educated neuroscientist, who specializes in this disorder, examined Charlie and says he has a 56% chance of recovery. Then in a surprising turn of events, Judge Francis rules that Charlie's parents cannot take him to the US for treatment. The judge says he has to rule whether or not to allow Charlie to "die with dignity." What the fuck is that??? There's no such thing as dying with dignity... you either live or die! You can live with dignity (a fact that seems lost on the British ruling class- whose gene pool seems to have shrunk to the size of a shot-glass). When you're dead, you're dead- there's no dignity. Why on earth would anybody, judge or not, prevent this infant a chance of survival?

When the State becomes the arbiter of quality of life- we're in very big trouble. I have to stop here before I start advocating nuking the UK. Here's some excellent links to the story!

http://www.lifenews.com/2017/07/19/charlie-gard-and-his-parents-given-u-s-citizenship-to-fly-him-to-america-for-treatment/ http://www.lifenews.com/2017/07/17/charlie-gard-gets-his-first-brain-scan-since-april-parents-optimistic-after-5-hour-neurologist-visit/ http://www.lifenews.com/2017/07/14/judge-reveals-the-expert-neurologist-who-thinks-experimental-therapy-will-help-charlie-gard/ http://www.lifenews.com/2017/07/17/evolutionist-claims-survival-of-the-fittest-makes-it-ok-to-euthanize-disabled-newborns/ This is what it's really all about... the UK govt. and these sick fucks want to decide who's fit to live and who's fit to die (anyone that disagrees with them dies- Sieg Heil) http://www.lifenews.com/2017/07/17/courts-should-not-decide-if-charlie-gard-lives-or-dies-because-the-state-is-not-god/ http://www.lifenews.com/2017/07/17/charlie-gard-deserves-a-chance-at-life-hes-not-a-vegetable-or-a-hopeless-case/ http://www.lifenews.com/2017/07/21/judge-says-charlie-gards-parents-cant-take-him-to-u-s-even-though-he-was-given-u-s-residency/ http://www.lifenews.com/2017/07/21/charlie-gards-parents-storm-out-of-court-after-hospital-releases-new-scan-to-court-not-them/

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I haven't heard of this before now. Sad the way the world is going.

It's scary... the power of government against one little boy fighting to stay alive!

It looks like it's too late for Charlie.

I hope that judge is unable to sleep for years.

Just 5 minutes alone with that judge and he will remember me for all eternity... I ran out of cheeks to turn years ago!

I know how you feel. I do think that in the end he will have to answer to Jesus, and that will be much more memorable than anything you could do to him.

I would welcome, as my duty as a Christian, the opportunity to arrange the meeting!

They are literally giving the death sentence to an infant.

Yeah... and I for one do not approve!

sad, really sad... I'm not just sad, but also angry. As a mom, I know that I'll fight for my baby even if a doctor say me that he have just 1% chance of recovery and 56% it's very very high!!!! I'm really angry with a government who decide that 56% is not enough to live. Ok, I'm angry with every government who decide who have to live and who have to die!!! You're right, it's like the eugenics program in the Nazi time of Hitler!!!!

It's exactly the same... it's the exact same worldview! I've got a post ready for tomorrow that analyzes that!

Last I heard, the GOSH doctors claimed the latest tests are "sad news" (without bothering to inform the parents before going public with this). If this is what they will maintain in court next week, I don't want to think what's gonna happen. The nuclear option doesn't sound bad at all...

I think one of the links (the last one?) I provided was about that. I'm writing a post now, for tomorrow- I do everything in pen and paper first- about the "experts" that will decide his fate. Really, it isn't about him anymore (that's the sad part) it's about the power of government being able to impose their worldview at will!

The unlawful EU and their crime ridden, satanic minions - ARE the Eugenists.

These demons (animals they are not), nefarious - with their NHS death panels - should be hanged after receiving a fair trial.

Get's my BLOOD BOILING! http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/special-interests/eugenics-depopulation/

This is so big and it's been going on for ages!

Not too big to fail! That vermin. I hate what these people do with such a passion they do not want to experience in person.

Sad days we are living in. I few sorry for the young generations.

This is the legacy of Roe v Wade. I began to see insanity becoming a ground for public policy in the late 60's when the "Women's Movement" got usurped by angry lesbians!

the most common form of death in the US is abortion. Just a few weeks younger than that infant.

Like I said... it's all part of the plan- the slippery slope that leads to Post-natal abortion on demand!

As a British citizen I'm seriously pissed off at what us happening here but what really pisses me off is the number of people I speak to who accept that a judge or doctor should be able to decide if a child lives/dies or gets treated over the parents wishes. I keep raising the subject hoping that people will be as outraged as I am about it but they keep saying 'the doctors know best, you have to trust them' and shit like that.

My friend, it seems that you have anticipated tomorrow's post!

This is sooo messed up on sooo many levels.

Yup... This has me pretty well pissed off at Britain!

Oh yes. Upvoted and Resteemed.

Thank you! Maybe if enough people get pissed off...