I had never intended to live past 30 and lived my life accordingly... after my childhood, It's a miracle I'm here at all. Then I was 40-50-60, and now 72. I can hardly believe it! I'm convinced that I'm either going to live forever, or I already died and this is Hell!
A friend on here and I were discussing our mortality and he suggested that I consider making arrangements for willing my crypto-fortune to my family... but I have other plans. I'm going to buy an oversized coffin and find a suicidal hooker, preferably between 25-40 (No uglies, fat chicks, or trannys) to spend eternity with me.
Anyways, I made it, thanks in in a very big way, to my friends here on Steemit who have been so supportive. Believe it or not, it's what keeps me going and motivated to write (and post offensive memes- I managed to offend 4 phonies and get them off my follower list. That's why I posted it.) I'm so very happy to have found this wonderful community. So, if you drink- have one for me and don't forget, there's still time to get me that Maserati! Thanks!!!
Happy Birthday, Old Man! I'll have a drink in your honor, but not for another 8-10 hours.
That'll work... I had to put the plug in the jug about 30 years back!
Thank you my friend!!!
Happy Birthday! No old guy at all. The 70s are now considered as the 50s in real life expectancy so I have read. Surely hope it's not FAKE news!
I wish they had told me back when I was abusing my body!
Is that a birthday cake or a funeral pyre??
Wishing you the best....and...
Keep on STEEMIN ON!!!!
✌@richq11 sorry, don't blame me... @globocop sent me over.
Thank you... I've been watching for him to post so I can thank him for the gift!
Hey Rich ! Did post a special greeting card my friend. :)
Of course, did it before I saw the pyro post here.
How was ya day? You don't want a Maserati... Just get automated Speeding Tickets.
Thank you for the gift! I had a good day but a better night... my ex came over so Pops could get his swerve on. And i do want a Maserati!
Well - we do the same next year bro - glad you had a... swerving... night... :D
Darn - upvoted my own comment - didn't mean to...
Have you actually seen the post?
A birthday GIFT for you!
My Man... God bless you!!! And thanks!
Happy birthday!
Thank you!
happy birthday sir many god give u many happines this special day and allin ur whole life...have a great day richq11 sir

Thank you my friend!
happy birthday and many many good wishes u this special day
Thank you... Now time to work!
Happy Belated birthday my new friend .. your image of the birthday cake made me laugh. Hope it was a good one. :)
At this point... every day is a good one!
Happy Birthday and congratulations good sir. You've clearly made it to this age for a reason and you continue to prove this time and time again. You're providing this community, and the world by extension, laughter, sanity, reality, honesty, truth, friendship and the pleasure of getting to know you. I get that you never could have forseen any of this for yourself, and may have actively tried to avoid it, but it seems your character and strength has been needed for longer than 30 years.
Whatever happens in the future, hookers or otherwise, I know you'll do whatever you need to do with your unextinguishable character.
There will be a whiskey in my glass for you tonight.
Thank you my friend! Everything happens for a reason... I still have no idea what???
Maybe the reason or reasons have been in every second, minute, hour and day you have been on this world. Maybe your purpose has always been to enrich the lives of others, to pass on knowledge, wisdom and to be someone who can teach from your lifes experiences. Or maybe I am a million miles from the truth of it all but I believe we all have a purpose in this life and finding and knowing this is often the real challenge. I don't believe I have found my purpose in life yet but I know I have one, even if that purpose is to be there for others.
That's the funny thing about your purpose in life... You don't get to know what it is- it's all reflected in others. I forget if it was Plato or Aristotle (Plato I think) who said: If someone quotes one of your ideas, you've reached immortality.
Well I can feel confident in knowing you've certainly had an inpact with those in this community.
Thank you!
Happy Birthday!
Haha, I think your blog is very real, it's incredible, you never expect anything but only things happen and the years pass, luck in your projects frien
Thank you!
Congrats! Just carry on, the alternative is a bore.
I don't know... the suicidal hooker is looking pretty good!
All those candles makes one helluva fire lol. Keep the fire in your soul and keep flamin' the blockchain :D Happy Birthday!!!!!!
Thank you... About to start work as we speak!
happy birth day.
one of the few on here older than I am.
It was easy... I just didn't die- no big accomplishment!
Awesome. Congrats on living to 72. Does it feel like you have one foot in the grave?
No... Both lol!
Great post very witty and funny and congratulations on making it this far in life,hope I get to reach that age. 72 years old and you've still got it whatever that is,you have a great perception of things.
Thanks for sharing.
It's easy to make it... Just don't die!
Happy birthday @richq11
And as many more as you want.
I don't know how many more I can stand! Thanks!
Hopefully you not still getting birthday spanks! ;-)
No but I did get a call from my ex... Looks like Gramps is going to get his swerve on tonight!!!
Happy 72nd ! Concider this....You have died, but this is Heaven :-)
Welcome home
Oh No... I expected more lol! Thank you!
Always room for improvement or why carry on ?
I'm well past my due date too, not even a missfire yet :-)
Life is Good
It is indeed!!!
Happy birthday young man. hope it's a good one :)
At this point... they all are! Thank you my friend!!!
Happy birthday! I wonder if I will make it there myself! ;)
It's easy... Just don't die!
Happy brithday, awesome that you're on steemit!
Steemon and have an great day
Thanks Rens... Time to get to work!
Happy Birthday! :) 72 is a lot of time. Enjoy the day!
Thank you... after today's episode of the Night Gods... I'm relaxin!
Happy Birthday, dear friend!!!! Have a great, great happy day!!!
Many hugs from Italy! Auguri!!! :D
Grazie!!! Enjoy the new Night Gods my dear friend!
I understand! I turned 67 a week ago and as a kid I thought I would probably die before the year 2000. Crazy kid idea! I come from a fairly long lived family.
Growing up I had great-aunts and great-uncles who lived into their 90s.
Steemit is our immortality. We will live in the blockchain...
Thanks for making Steemit a more interesting place!
Thank you... That's very nice to hear!
Happy birthday! Our birthdays are in the same month :P
All the best people are born in August! My granddaughter's is the 14th!
My best friend's birthday is the 20th!
Wow lol.. Too many candles there, you're going to burn the house down :D
Happy birthday! This is awesome.
Don't really know what to say :P

Thank you!
And many more to come!
Thank you my friend... although I don't know how many more I can stand!
One day at a time! Taking a well deserved rest whenever you feel like you can...
Speaking of which, how are things with your living situation? Were you able to come to a decent arrangement with the guy you were caretaking?
Kind of... I still want out... he keeps totaling all of the cars! All I have to drive right now is the 280 ZX, until the Caddy gets out of the shop. The Audi and PT Cruiser are history!
so he is crashing the cars he was going to sell? /smfh
well, make sure you have a solid place to land before you jump ;>
Always! It's a good thing the Mercedes won't start (it will but I let the battery run down). They pulled his license after the last wreck... he goes to court next month. I've been taking him to drunk driving classes... he hasn't had a drink in over 40 years, it's the meds... but laws are laws. I don't even know why he wants his license back!
that license is freedom; it's a pride thing...my mom is the same way, she dont like driving, but she'll be damned if she gives up her license!
Many many happy returns of the day. You are genius and strong enough to make such sweetable journey in this community. You are a inspiration for the steemians like us that you are still so much energetic and practical. Thanks and happy birth day.
Thank you Maya... what a nice thing to say!
happy birthday again, rich! :)
Thank you my friend... to tell the truth, I'm surprised I made it this far!
Happy Birthday! The suicidal hooker idea sounds a tad unrealistic, so maybe just focus on the Maserati!
I'll go check my driveway! Thank you!!!
Happy Birthday! August people are the best! 😛 Maybe some of us are too annoying to die!
We can only try lol! Thank you!
August club!
happy happy happy Birthday!
Thank you!
Considering timezones, I hope to be on time :)
Here's having a drink to you @richq11, cheers!
May we be doing another drink next year (or on my b-day, coming June, ok?)
You got it Brother (and thanks again for the fine art- I've been getting compliments)
You're welcome brother (if I can call you that, we differ like, what, 32 years?) But do get that Maserati, rock on @richq11! :)
You certainly can... I'm afraid I'll be too old to drive by the time I can afford it!
Thank you my friend!
Happy Birthday my dear friend hope you will have lots more. Wanted to make a nice gif but really dont know how so just enjoy your birthday as much as possible.
Thank you... I've been relaxing watching movies today (after I got done writing)
Congratulations, many do not make it to lap 72. The simply lucky seem to be weeded out by 60, so it must be intelligence. If you hang out a bit longer, I'm trying to cure aging. Cancer was a much easier fix.
Here's a shot of Bulletproof coffee to you. Cheers! It's non-alcoholic, I hope that's okay.
The world is a better place with you here.
Thanks I don't do alcohol (probably one reason I made it this far). Coffee on the other hand...
Happy born-day Old Soldier Never Die, Old Richie....Will have a beer for you tonight....
Thank you my Brother... have two, I can't drink!
Definitely worth an upvote and a resteem :)
Thank you!!!
Happy birthday man. My little birthday present for you is the knowledge of 'Why we celebrate Birthdays'. You will be shocked to learn about it after 72years in this world.