In front of the square, it was getting dark. He, whose body was a bit feverish, took a walk on the square. Some of the rooms of some large buildings flickered their electric lights from the windows in a bright, silvery-colored way.
At the curb, he paused, deciding to wait for the woman to come. After five minutes, the woman approached herself with a limp, "I'm tired," he said, smiling. Side by side they strolled through the rather plain square.
For them it was the first time. For him, to be with him, he felt, whatever he would do. After they boarded the vehicle, the woman continued to look at her face, "Are not you going to be sorry?" he said. She firmly replied, "No way."
The woman held her hand. "I will not regret it," he said. Her face, at that moment, seemed to be in the moonlight.