Ah the crucible! Fire is such a necessary part of any self transformation.
I know you are probably familiar with tapas and it's etymological root to heat/ burn..but also to suffer or do penance to burn away karmic crap. It's not meant to be easy.. there's only growth with such fiery suffering, a disciplined practice. I was reading somewhere the other day about fire or warmth as origin of life... the warmed egg, the sun, sexual energy. Stands to reason transformation only can come from fire.
I love how gum trees regenerate after fire. The ultimate Aussie metaphor...
Would love input of @metametheus and @thetreeoflife 💚
Posted using Partiko Android
Just acknowledging this so I can come back to it later when I have head/heart space to contemplate and share 🙏🏽
Posted using Partiko iOS