Random information #34 - Getting out of a parking spot instantly

in #life7 years ago

Random information #34

Getting out of a parking spot instantly


It happens to everybody. We leave our car in a comfortable spot but when we come back there's not enough room to get out easily. Not considering the "front touch - back touch" method, what we have to do is to be patient and go on with the endless manouvers until finaly we set our vehicle free!

I found this video of an extreme maneuver to get out of a parking spot quickly. It was part of military exercice and it seems useful when your car is blocked. As far as I could understand "all you have to do" is to use the handbrake, hit the gas, turn the wheel to the left and to let out the clutch.

I'm not saying you should do it : ) I just found it cool

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There might be a very different ending in a real world scenario :) but a good idea, nevertheless

Let me try and I'll tell you :) ahahah joking