Get Fit : The journey- Day 0
Today I turned 30, the major milestone or the peak or as I call the point of no return (as like if there is one in the first place). If you ever have been here then you certainly know what I'm about to say, you just there look back at your accomplishments, mistakes, good and bad moments and you only get some flashes and throwbacks of what you could've done better or what you can do to cut the losses, and that is what is all about. In my case I am looking to cut the losses and fix the rest after the peak.
Today was just another regular day, same tasks, almost same weather, same people, same work, it's just the same moment happening again and again as in Groundhog Day.
Once I arrived at work, i realized i just forgot my phone, since I was expecting the birthday wishes texts/calls for today, I had to walk back home again and then return to work. If this was another day, nothing would matter, it wouldn't even matter to walk back home, but the 30 y.o reminder just kept turning and turning inside my head ,as I was struggling to walk back home, nevertheless to say that the few minutes walk back to work was even worse. This is when THAT MOMENT hit me, just like that, right now I am at the peak of my age, I am in the middle between the young and the old, the center of strength, the number in which the 'entourage' evaluates your success, where I evaluate my success, and I am here looking at myself with a weak, heavy, faltering body.
You know that moment when you just figure out how bad you've been losing and carless, I mean you know when you are doing something wrong, but the power of denial just overpowers accepting reality and facts.
Tonight I am having my last unnecessary meal, leaving my careless habits, losing my laziness and focusing on the following days. and I will let the future judge whether is a middle age crisis or a real strong decision. Dear readers (myself included) I have decided to post every day the good and the bad, the moments of strength and the times of weakness of my journey to achieve a healthy lifestyle.
This is new for me, I will be posting my knowledge, experiences, achievements and drawbacks everyday...Hopefully this will keep me going, and may make someone's else life goals more achievable.
Good night, see you tomorrow.
Good luck with your journey. I hope you can make the changes you want. I know the feeling of not liking what you see. In my life some things are working well and others are a long way from good. I would love to get everything on track and i hope you can do it.
Oh and happy birthday. 30 is a big one.
Thank you, hopefully it will be also the big changing point
As hard as it could be to make everything on track, it won't hurt to at least try some actions and see how it goes, this is why I am writing these actions in hope not only to be able to go back and read this in the future but also to know that there are others who will be supporting, contributing with ideas and sharing also their experiences.
I hope you will achieve your goals and also enjoy your moments