The little things in life - Crypto and my plans with it

in #life7 years ago

When I first got into Crypto I thought I was going to be a Millionaire!!!
Soon after researching , understanding more and more it was then I realized that may not be the case (well not in the near future anyway).
So I had to readjust my goals to something more reasonable, I always set myself 3 Goals Short term, long term and something just for me!

My short term goal- Reduce debt.
Just like most I have credit card debt that is building up so my short term crypto goal was to reduce that or even better yet clear it, now this is a goal I have set for in the next 3 years.
cutting card.jpg

My long term Goal- Own my home or a home.
Now this is the dream I know will take hard work and a whole lot of luck. My home now is on a 30 year mortgage with about 27 years remaining, my long term crypto goal is to own my home outright! or a bigger home than I am currently in. This Goal I want to achieve in the next 10 years.
two story home.jpg

My goal just for me- A fishing Kayak
Now being a Male I can be pretty selfish at times so I sometimes I confuse my wants and needs up, but WIth crypto I have got these three goals to aim for and look forward to. Now this goal I have set aside 5% of total profit value , not portfolio value to use for this Item. Currently around $125 AUD the item I am after is $800 AUD . Now after I achieve this goal I will then set myself another, and another so I always have something to look forward to.
Heres the link to the Kayak for anyone interested .

fishing kayak.jpg

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