Somewhere around 10 years ago or so I started to fall into severe depression. I spent seven and a half years working with doctors trying to find the right combination of pills to make me feel better. Side effects we're worse than just having the depression. 3 years ago I quit taking any medications. I started seeking alternative treatments and I ran into research. I have been making vast improvements in the last couple years with monthly doses of psilocybin mushrooms and LSD. Sometimes I'll take a good dose at once and enjoy the trip and sometimes I microdose where I only take like half a gram a day for a week or two.
Big Pharma are big drug dealers you are only interested in profits. I do my best to try to find alternative treatments and with the right research I do what I feel is best for myself. Seems to be working and getting better
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Nice brother! Yeah it is sad that these banned substances that do real good are so stigmatized. And you are allowed to take deadly chemicals.
Trust yourself is what i always said. I ask doctors big questions they can't answer and they do not like that. It is a belief system like other belief systems. Everyone thinks theres to be the best. My advantage was that i really do try and understand and know things. The truth. So that i have not a need to rely on belief.
Appreciate the comment my friend. Good luck to you!