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RE: Releasing Negative Emotions - Cure for depression and anxiety

in #life7 years ago

If we take for example trauma, a person would go through horrible stuff, he will observe a lot of information coming to his mind through his senses. This is new information for the mind and since our mind usually reacts accordingly our past knowledge and memories, it wouldn't know how to process it effectively.

Fast forward later, our brain still has this memory he is uncertain about! Something bad happened to you and maybe even your survival was at risk. Your brain is now aware of a certain danger and he wants to prevent it from happening again, so it will shoot this warning signals again and again in a form of anxiety (or another negative feeling). And it won't stop until it feels safe knowing that it won't happen again!

I understand this all too well. All of my previous issues with people who I thought were my "friends" before caused me to have some serious trust issues with people and I always approached everyone with caution and reservation, always suspicious that they were doing the same thing that all my previous "friends" had done to me as well. It wasn't even a conscious effort, either, it was more like I had relived that trauma so many times in so many different instances with different people that my brain had just set that as my default mode.

But in that case, you should go back to the memory, relive it in your mind, feel it again and try to understand what went wrong and which lessons you can take from it. Let your mind fully prosses the information which sitting there for years waiting to be processed. Try answering the questions.

Exactly! In a way this is a method of changing the past. Not past events, but past emotions/feelings that linger on into the present, causing more trauma and pain. If you can revisit a traumatic event in your past and look at it from a different angle and find the reason why it happened and what you can learn from it, etc., you can change the way you are in the present moment, as well.

Great post man!! And congratulations again on your Whaleshares curation! :D


Thank you :)
Yes! you are right, we cant change the past... but we can change the way we perceive the past and what we take from it. I feel like this is the very similar mentality to the mentality winners have: "There is no such thing as failure, only feedback."
Thank you again for reading my post and taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it :D

Of course man, sorry it took a few days! My mind has been all over the place lately :P Always love reading your posts!!

Nothing to be sorry about! Honestly, I'm surprised people read my long posts :O