How can it be possible that (I included obviously) "the lucky ones" or "chosen ones" are totally indifferent to the suffering inhaled to the weakest on this planet?(but be careful we are all weak) or maybe should I say yes they do worry but being that they (we) have no power (we have all) look in desperation to the other way? life is a mystery but we are here, so whats the next step? because let's be honest, when in whatever crypto-platform we are involved in we are always looking for our own good, or not? so what as changed?....................p.s. Let's hope that this isn't another repeated money for me and nothing for you system, know what i mean.
We can always contribute something, even if we do not own fortunes, if each person contributes something, with that something we can do a lot for the most needy. Sometimes with the intention is not enough, we must act.
How can we act?
If each person does good for someone else, at least one person will be contributing to the good of all. Sometimes we hope to have more money to help, but when will it happen? If I help one person and you help another, and so on, it's more than doing nothing. For example, in my community there is an activity in which several people gather to prepare approximately 300 plates of food and go out into the street to give them to those who do not have to eat that here and in all parts of the world abound. Maybe we are not solving life, but something starts.
No child should go hungry anywhere, or not have shelter - once everything is together I’m definitely working on Non profit organization
GOOD my friend !!!