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RE: One END but another BEGINNING...

in #life7 years ago

@jaynie In any kind of service related industry, the truest measure of succes is the acknowledgement you get from your customers and you seem to have done great on that fronto with your shop. It's rather sad that you had to leave it after so long. It's evident from your pictures and your write up that even those who worked there had a great time...If business was lacking because the model was outdated, perhaps you could have tried diversifying into different things - your customer would still have kept coming (great service is rare).. Al the best with whatever new ventures you get into...

PS: We had communicated recently on discord after I joined your channel... used to wonder if the admin of the channel would be typically doing outside managing the appreciator channel.. :)


Thank you for your input. Much appreciated. As for the business, the landlord, did not renew my lease and to be quite frank, I was not interested in moving.... as I have been planning to bow out soonish anyway. I have been in that industry for 17 years now. 11 with that business. I gave my team everything in the shop. Equipment, stock - all of it. They will be moving forward with the same client base, just under a new name, so they have none of the financial baggage that I carried.... so not completely gone, but the end of an era for me.

As for me, I am quite happy to close that chapter, the time had come for me to move onward.... and I am VERY excited about it :)