
lol I speed read, I spend most my entire days with my head in my monitor so over the years I have learnt to speed read, especially when it comes to content for clients websites.

any specific tips or courses that helped you develop that skill?

I've gone through a couple - maybe just haven't kept up the practice - though finding it'd be more & more valuable to blaze through reading at that pace...

well you first need to determine your reading style allot of people are vocal meaning they sound out the words or basically read to themselves aloud this actually slows down your reading speed, what you need to focus on is visual reading, then learn to scan pages first slowly then faster as you move along and test your comprehension of the peace afterwards once you have that down its just allot of practice but if you like me and really need to pick up your productivity then its the way to go, after 10 years I still misread every now and again.

The Worlds fastest reader apparently does 80 000 words a minute that is a big wow.

Really good story @rok-sivante