Turning Point...

in #life6 years ago

Not everyone is totally clear on what their "passion" is. The majority drift through life without any definite aim. And though my ego cringes at facing the truth, I had somewhat fallen into that camp...

I'd always had huge ambitions, though never a specific direction - spreading myself between interests for entrepreneurship & business, music, fashion, currency trading, writing & publishing, real estate, internet marketing, sustainability, spirituality, philosophy, psychology, and so on. I always knew I had incredible value to offer - though, in clarifying how to define & communicate it and to who exactly it'd benefit, I was stumped. My drive has been unstoppable, yet it's seemed I've been running in circles, with no final destination in mind...

I have been a knowledge junkie for my entire adult life, seeking the formulas for wealth success, and influence. I had been neurotically preparing for a grand journey - obsessively studying to increase my knowledge base and reprogram my mind for success. Though, after years immersed in books & audio programs, the uncomfortable reality hit home - "where were the results?"

I had always been hoping on some venture that soon fell through, certain "something" was bound to happen - that by just staying focused on developing my internal value, things on the outside were destined to come together. However, it eventually became clear I was in the grasps of optimistic denial - busying myself to feel I was achieving something important, while in reality being neither effective nor efficient.

Willpower, drive, ambition, and focus were not the issues - I had plenty, becoming an intense workaholic. Yet, where were my efforts being concentrated?

As easy as it may be to coast when moderately comfortable, it becomes impossible to ignore the painful when crisis hits. And as frustrating as the honesty of assessing one's undesirable circumstances may be at times, it is a great blessing when Truth is revealed and we are forced to confront the consequences of our past choices & actions...

What I found out - the amassing of knowledge alone leads nowhere. Being smart doesn't mean jack, when it boils down to it. And as admirable it may be to seek wisdom, there's nothing wise about relying on external sources of anything for one's own empowerment.

In attempting to seem smart, we're really being dumb - remaining unconsciously or consciously incompetent of all we need to advance. If we've got the results we want, then maybe we're onto something. Otherwise, it's time to get humble, admit our ignorance, and try a new approach...

Though I may be spelling out the details of my personal situation here, there are many commonalities amongst the masses, with millions falling short of their potential and feeling unfulfilled with the current track their life is on. Perhaps I'm not the only one feeling pressured to "figure things out" and get my shit together, and by gaining clarity through speaking my truth, it leads the example for someone else out there to speak theirs and become clear - whether they even hear this or not.

So what's next?

While juggling a few different dead-end projects, I've been writing more & more for the last year and receiving much positive feedback. Though, exactly who have I been writing for and for what purpose? As nice as it's been motivating a select few Facebook friends, its gotten me nowhere near where I want to be, nor has my value been effectively leveraged to benefit the many it can. The creativity must be re-channelled...

Is it absolutely necessary to have a definite, clear purpose we can break down into a few short words? Must we have one single passion to focus on? Perhaps not. (could anyone sum up Leonardi DaVinci's passion or single purpose?) What is required, though, is a balancing of introspection & development of internal value with an outward focus and implementation of that value in the service of others.

Feeling passionate about so many subjects & fields, and having developed the insight into recognizing value and opportunities for its multiplied leverage - possibility for wealth creation abounds. There is no shortage of opportunity - only a lack of creative thinking on how to break out of routines and comfort zones to seize them...

This is a turning point for each of us. Shall we choose to ignore, we can expect things to remain the same, if not get worse. Should we choose to shift direction - in thought and action - the destination ahead, whether we know exactly what it is or not, is bound to inspire, excite, and encourage us to ever-greater achievements and allowing us access to deeper & deeper levels of gratitude, connection, and power...

Enough self-analysis.

Enough directionless study & accumulating information without application.

Less thinking and more listening & observing the "inner guidance" of intuition.

Letting go of the "chip on the shoulder," accepting responsibility for the outcomes I create.

Putting all martyrdom & victimhood mentalities behind, choosing empowerment through commitment to integrity in conduct & character.

Abandoning all need for approval, adopting the confidence to speak our truths, insights, requests, and proposals without concern of how others will accept or decline.

Greater awareness of how my creativity is being channelled, with the underlying intent to constantly refocus in the directions of creating value for others.

Facing my shadows, and letting my light shine forth.

Refocusing from what may come tomorrow, to what blessings are here today for us to make the most of...

A great day, this is,
at this turning point...

~ written April 2010


indeed we must imbibe less thinking and more listening,taking responsibilities. we are clouded by different things we like and as such cant atimes pinpoint that we are passionate about. as time flies we discover that our passion keep changing and revolving. clarion call to ask ourselves questions that only us can answer. what is that thing i love doing and i cant get tired of? what is that value i can add to others. man know thy self is one of aristotle popular quotes but how can man know himself if he cant listen to hiself. we must be confident and promote our intuition.

thanks for sharing this wonderful article sir, your post are always great and captivating. it is a privilage tapping from you.
thanks and have a nice night.

Your purpose is not to be friends only by your purpose, but we all are also motivated to do good work.Humans should always keep changing according to their circumstances.Self-enlighten self-reliance and conduct is very necessary for internal analysis.

Dear @rok-sivante sir!
Another article in the episode of your best articles, very beautiful and inspirational First of all, set your goal first and then take the life to get some goals. No goal is impossible, just your effort should be in the right direction. Whether the ambitions are small or big, just move towards a meaningful direction, whether that direction is in the business field, in the field of linguistics, in the field of music art, in the field of knowledge science or in the spiritual realm. In what way do we develop our moral values ​​and in what way they implement it in our life depends on our efficiency.
Sir, I read your articles many times but I can not properly arrange them. You are always inspirational for yourself. You have felt the ups and downs of your life in a very good way, which you have presented here as words. Thank you sir.

I read your articles many times but I can not properly arrange them.

Stop trying. Lol.

These aren’t meant to be put in any linear order. If any at all, they’d be going in reverse - as I’ve been re-posting them backwards from my Facebook notes years old.

Consider each a point... it’ll take years of ascension to rise to where you can see how the dots all connect. Though, connecting the dots isn’t the aim at this point - better to simply digest each and extract whatever there is for you in each now... when the timing is right down the road, you’ll see the higher order of how it all fits together. Much direct experience is necessary first to arrive there, though - although it’s a fascinating process of rediscovery, when your senses turn on to see those connections & order, arriving in a deepening knowing of what you’re grasping for intellectually now.

T’is quote a cool ride... 😎

Sir! your articles are accurate at it's place. only I fail to reordering them correctly due to lack of knowledge. So I read many times your articles then I reply.. it is my fault sir.
Plz don't be anger sir if word mis spelt.
Thanks sir..

"There are many commonalities amongst the masses..." I identify with everything you have exposed here a lot.

I've found out that improving, and knowing, ourselves it's not enough. We also need to work on our relationship with our surroundings to open new doors and windows.

It is good to know everything a little, and you are admirable for your knowledge, friend, @ rok-sivante.

Internal self-inspection is very important, sir.

These days a friend came to the house and told me to make a cake. I told her I didn't have anything in the fridge that would help her make a cake. She checked and found three ingredients with which she made a rich, fluffy cake. Just three ingredients! She knew how to use the ingredients and used creativity. Very few people can do this. How many people are full of potentialities and don't know how to take advantage of them, or use them badly. Everything happens, as you say, in focusing on what you want to do. If you are going to address an audience of three people, you will make a circle and talk normally with them; but if you want to reach a larger group, you will have to look for a larger space and at least a microphone. The idea is to know what you want and focus! Have a nice night, @rok-sivante!