entry into our Pay It Forward Community's weekly curation contest.Dropping by and supporting your post @altruevid. It has been featured by @cicisaja, as an
As part of the @pifc community, we would encourage you to check into it!
”… the issue that is affecting many families in Venezuela, I thought it would not reach me, but one day like any other my brother tells me that he decides to emigrate a few days after graduating from college and having married, it's like an atomic bomb of feelings , you do not know if to cheer up or get depressed, I just chose to keep quiet and make myself strong, he went as a father to want to look for a better future for the girl who was coming.“
Wow. I can only imagine how difficult these situations must be for you and your people.
”… Princess Andrea was born, the joy was immense and she almost sent me a photo per minute ..“
What a beautiful little girl. These little ones change our lives!! But, again, the heartbreak of family separation and not being able to hold her in your arms ... Hopefully, you will see that day soon!
”... I personally tell God to help me to be like a tree whose roots are strong that when water currents come, do not let carry and their leaves do not fall, it is a good time for parents, children or siblings to begin to value the family and teach unbreakable values that even in the distance scream loudly.”
The right attitude to have in the storm through which you are passing. May future posts bring better news @altruevid.
Thank you for your effort here to add value to our Steem blockchain. All the best, to you and yours, for a better tomorrow!
grateful @roleerob for all her expressions of support, the pain becomes more bearable when it becomes teaching and inspiration for others.