I can somewhat relate to what you are experiencing. Having spent 8 years in the military moving multiple times it was always easy feeling welcomed when showing up to a new base because I shared something in common with everyone there. It was quite different when I decided to leave the military and go to college full-time.
My first two years at the university I felt alone because I showed up to class and went home. Although I really enjoy my alone time I learned it's not something that is sustainable. I wasn't involved in any way with the community or other students, which had me feeling left out.
Finally I grew tired of how my college experience was unfolding and I decided to get a student job on campus. I didn't need the job, but I knew it would open up other opportunities to find where I fit in. It was by far the best decision I made.
So I would definitely encourage you to go outside of your comfort zone and reach out to the community through their preferred activities. Through that exploration I guarantee you will meet some like minded people that you will continue to spend time with.
Ultimately, I think its a happy marriage between the environment and the people that naturally influence each other that ends up making a place.
Thx for your thoughtful comment, and especially this line. That really struck a chord. I keep thinking in terms of the potential for connecting around my interests or just staying alone with my interests. But there is an important aspect of being in community to give yourself in some ways to the others. To be a part of something they care about with respect for it because they care about it and value for it because they are there valuing it. Maybe that's what most of them are doing even. Just finding excuses to be with each other.
That's a good point. There is a good chance that people are showing up not because of the activity, but simply because others are showing up.