In a world where we live in we tend to forget who we really are. We are always fighting for attention and love from other people to make us feel complete. It is not suppose to be that way.
Everyone is unique in their own way, we are all beautiful people and even when we expect something from people we should also expect more from ourselves regardless of the skin, colour, size or height you should never think less of yourself. Some are rich and some are poor, it doesn't really matter, some would say because they are from a poor background they can't mingle or talk where the rich ones are. NO! nobody is superior to anybody, we are all humans and have equal rights and freedom of speech and association is part of those rights its just the situation we find ourselves sometimes. You may be poor today ad rich tomorrow and that rich person can become poor tomorrow. It the circle of life.
When you look down on yourself and see yourself as nothing, people would feel same about you.
Even when people try and make you feel small they attempt to make you feel bad. Let's stand firm. It is important that we are confident in ourselves and our abilities we should learn and grow in every aspect of life whether family, friends or personal development and while doing that we should never think we are better or more important than anyone else because everyone is important.
Another thing is to stop being in a competition with anybody, be yourself, boost your self-esteem, speak to yourself in a supportive and encouraging manner, say to yourself that you are an amazing and wonderful person, avoid comparing yourself to others. It would always make you feel bad, spend more time waxing in happiness when you are happy you think more highly of yourself
In conclusion, true humility is not thinking less of yourself its thinking of yourself less
Thank you rosyblessing you just inspired and motivated me this morning. I'm grateful ☺
Am happy you were inspired
tagCongratulations!,@rosyblessing Your post has been upvoted by @naijapidgin for using theLovely post dear.
People get caught in other people's lives forgetting they are unique in their own way.
Wow great great post. I love the fact that it motivates one and stares one up