Reach Within Thy Self And Be Happy

in #life7 years ago

Ever wonder why every time we always need something from someone or somewhere, why we always feel we need to acquire more and keep working. You as humans, it takes a lot to satisfy us. 

In fact an experiment which took place few years back shows that every human being on the planet earth can fit into the state of Texas in the United States if we all have just a duplex and a lawn. 

The thing is many people would settle for that, live simply lives and be happy while a lot more would object and still find the need to live in a bigger space. It's just our Nature we all want the good things in life and we all want to live like kings and queens, as a result we spend almost our entire lives chasing dreams. 

Dreams that we create for ourselves, sometimes we expect too much from life and we dream big, aiming for the stars so at least we would land on the moon.  The simple truth is that life doesn't work that way, if we want all that we gotta work really hard and smart and even then most times we still don't find what we are looking for. So many would ask, so we shouldn't dream big?  

Dream big enough for your mind, ever read the theory of happiness by Albert Einstein? 

Albert Einstein was touring Japan in 1922 and at his hotel room a bell boy delivered him a message, so he was supposed to give a tip to this young man but he didn't have any change, he then decided to write him the theory of happiness which is as follows; 

'A calm and modest life brings more happiness than a constant pursuit for success combined with constant restlessness. ' 

This note was sold for one point five million dollars ($1.5 million dollars). Lucky bell boy don't you think? 

Regardless, if you really think about it we would be much more happy if we appreciate what we have and not constantly pursue things we think would make us happy. 

In reality everything we are looking for is already within us not out there in the world, the wisdom, the security, the stability, all these are right there within us, all we just need to do is unlock them, set them free and how can you do that?

You have to go inside yourself, within,  you have to spend more time with yourself, you have to stop looking at the worldly things around you and look at yourself, sieve through your thoughts, look for the deepest place of your self, what you find might be just what your looking for. 

So within thy self Is where who you search to be is, we were born with it, it just takes time and certain experiences to avail itself. 

Think about it, when you were younger you were probably scared of the dark but now your not as scared as you were before, you most likely didn't need any help over time the fear just seemed to disappear. That's just how it works for every other thing. 

The best you can do is speed it up and that can be achieved only when you search within.


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