Today Monday 25th of June is a big day, why ?
Because today is the Global Smurf Day , yeah thats right !
Global Smurf day is being celebrated around the world every 25th of June , actually that day is the birthday of their creator P. Peyo,🙏Bio

Smurf made their first appearnce at 23th of Octomber 1958 at Spirou & Fantasio a Fraco-Belgian comic book , but they became popular here in Greece at 80's from the TV series at Greek National TV (ERT)
*I still remember my weekend mornings back when i was 8yrs old taking my breakfast and watching Smurfs ! Still have the taste & the smell of croissant & milk *
Greek Version Intro
English Version Intro
The word “smurf” is the original Dutch translation of the French "schtroumpf", which, according to Peyo, is a word invented during a meal with fellow cartoonist André Franquin, when he could not remember the word salt.[1]Source
Stop being Salty ! 🤣
This is how Smurfs look like back in 1958
And this is how they look today
Ofc as a OG (Original Geek) since my childhood i was big fun of their video game at my legendary Atari 2600 with the powerful central processing unit at 1.19MHz & the 128 bytes RAM
I really miss a lot these days,because i believe in some way i have attached them with the innocent years of my childhood with all my beloved ones walking on this earth 🙏... but enough with the drama!
I hope you enjoyed this blast from the past post! Leave a comment bellow if i woke up any memories of yours !
I used to love the smurfs, but then I released they are a communist propaganda. Yes, this post should have been flagged. :)
Did they brain washed you ? and you adopt communism ideology ? I bet no :) but we had an awesome childhood ! ,and is part of our childhood memorys!
Απο του Μαο τα δοντια γλιτωσα , ευτυχως ... :)
Μια απο τις πιο παλιες και πιο εντονες αναμνησεις τις παιδικης μου ηλικιας ειναι μια θεατρικη παρασταση που ειδα με στρουμφακια.
Thanks for the memories ... :)
Παναθεμα σε συγκινήθηκα!
1 of the 6 word definitions to smurf someone is a verb of NSFW connotation.... drop by COM cock room when you get a chance :D
on a serious note, this game has really neat graphics for an atari 2600 game!
true true ! still got my Atari , i just missing some ROM's xD
Smurfs are communist propaganda. I should have flagged this post.
Propaganda or not , they failed brain wash me as many others !How do i know ? I don't like the idea, and being part of cryptos for a long long time i guess i can guaranty that ! 😎 You didn't watch the series on your childhood ??
Shut up you fucking commie!