如果说那么多次的旅行中,有哪一个地方最让人流连忘返,我想它的名字一定叫做“ Four Girls Mountain”。别致的风景、清新的空气、纯朴热情的人们,远离了城市的喧嚣,也让心灵得到解放。徒步走完7公里的栈道时,站在四姑娘山的脚下,望着它们,忽然觉得一切都值了,一切都可以放下了。而那个乐观快乐自信的我,又回来了!
If ever there was a place that was the most memorable, I think it must be called "Four Girls Mountain". Unique scenery, fresh air, simple and enthusiastic people, they let me keep away from the noise of the city, also let the heart be liberated. After walking along the 7 km boardwalk, I stood at the foot of the Four Girls Mountain and looked at them.I suddenly felt that everything was worth it. Everything could be put down.Above all, the optimistic, happy and confident me is back.