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RE: 100K Steempower reached and future plans.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Wow @exyle !

What a day today for you !
Goood to set up goals (high goals!) and reach them. I can't wait to have this sensation too (I don't expect 100K, 10K would be already great :D).

Congratulation ! This is called perseverance ! I am sure you have learn a lot trough this journey ! ;-)

And about the video, I am very happy that you and your Brothers From another Mother enjoyed it ! That's what I am doing on Steem for 6 months discovering talented programmeurs and doing a video about their IT Baby :-) And for me, its such a cool thing that I have featured something from someone I really appreciate In real Life ! :-)

Good luck with it ! It's really usefull and the design is pretty great !


Thank you so much @roxane!