I'm that person that says it how it is.

in #life7 years ago


I often get told that i am too blunt. Blunt as in i say it how it is. I rarely hold back. That doesn't mean if i feel my boss is a knob, i will call him a knob. No, but for those who know me, if i feel they are doing something wrong i will mention it to them. This has often gotten me into trouble. EXAMPLE: A couple of nights ago we invited some girls we knew from university round our place. Everything was going well, twas a fun night until i might have said something out of line (debatable).

I might have mentioned that she comes of as 'easy'. These aren't just my words but the words of her friends too. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being 'easy' its only a problem when you're constantly saying you're a 'slut' and that you get with 'cunts'. I understand that it could have been phrased better, buy heyyyy after a couple of drinks it hard to articulate things the way you want. She was obviously angry, which fair enough if i was called easy i'd be annoyed to.
But for someone to be constantly complaining about the guys she's been with and the shit they have done to her maybe she's the problem?

Anyways whatever the case is, i have come to terms that sometimes i say stupid shit.
Ever since I've held back my thoughts that i would otherwise express.

Does the 'stupid' things i say enough of a reason to suppress my thoughts and feelings?
