James said:
"I met her down at Lucy's
I's there to wash my clothes
She's easy on the eyes
Kinda hard on my nose
She looked like a SpiceGirl
Like a beauty queen
She looked like a real good time
If I could only get her clean
She want a new pair of boxers
She want some toenail paint I think she might be crazy
Show me one that aint
I could make her over
It's not an idle boast
Deep down she's a real nice girl
Just a little deeper down than most
That girl needs some lovin that's for sure
But she needs something else a little more
Come with me I'll take you to the store
I think it's on aisle four
Soapnwater I got her back to my place
Lookin for some scrub-a-dub
She look around the apartment
She said "listen, bub
You got a sink full of dishes
You got your clothes on the floor
Aint gonna be no lovin til you get up and do your chores"
Come on baby don't you wanna stay
Honey I'll do anything you say
I will even put my clothes away Soapnwater "