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RE: Today's Gold Digger Test (Actual Conversation From Today!)

in #life7 years ago

haha, love the little dicky reference, I actually saw him in concert here in Chicago, he puts on a crazy show really enjoyed it. I had just learned about him prior to going so I was expecting kind of a Wierd Al yangovich kind of experience but Dicky man he's funny but he can actually flow as well, really got the crowd into it, really fun show. Actually got to go to the after party and have some drinks and smoke a bit with him. If he comes back to town I'll definitely check him out again.

I like the post, I tend to be kind of a homebody and I'm a person of more simpler tastes so don't really like having to show out and impress someone. If a girl is down to go to the park, walk around the city, get some thai food and watch a movie at home she's a keeper.


That is awesome you got to hit up Lil' Dicky's after party. Yeah man for me she has to be pretty simple and also for me she has to not be afraid to go hiking / camping....etc. And then in the end when you find out she is a keeper that is when you can spend some money on her and got on some cool trips!

But when some of these girls are trying to find out what kind of car I drive....etc. WARNING! Like that is any kind of indicator these days. I have a friend who had absolutely no money and could buy an older car for $2,500 but he could get in a 1 year old car for $0 down.....etc Everything is debt based.

I try to really keep their perception neutral. Like they don't know what car I drive or where I live at first.

Yeah I definitely like a girl who likes to go camping and hiking and can keep up. My gf is pretty good about that stuff, she has an aversion to porta potties so I have to hear a bit of complaining when we go rustic camping but she's pretty good with that stuff lol.

This post spurred an idea, maybe @pranks should do a gold digger prank lol

Hahah, yeah ..... pulling off a real gold digger prank would be extremely difficult. I have thought a lot about it and since there were so many that were fake everyone would think it was staged. That is one of the issues. Even though they were all primarily fake some of the premises were pretty funny though. My favorite one is this one. Staged but hilarious what RiskyRob says when he rolls away. LOL