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RE: Deleted Post

in #life6 years ago

Completely agree with you on everything you said. Love how you explained it in the beginning.

People are just stupid and what their going to do is going to be stupid wheter its legal or illegal.


The problem though, is not that people can't realize this, but that true information and studies about cannabis and its healing properties have been systematically suppressed by Big Pharma in order to secure their massive profits.

Make us eat pills to treat symptoms, not causes. Consequently causing more sympthoms, taking more drugs in order to solve those and so on.

That's aslo why they make us eat and drink shit like sugar and treat us with cheap GMO. All while bumping the price up on organics so high that the lower and middle class can't afford it.

The business is in making us sick, as you said. Its crazy to see to what extent they are going to.

Is water fluoridated in Canada, btw?


You speak wisely and I enjoyed watching your video up until the point where Dtube decided it's enough and killed it. Will try to finish it tomorrow.


I totally agree with you. I believe that the most fluoridated water supplies are currently the U.S. and Canada. When we get that poison out of the water people will really wake up to how detrimental that is to our health. Thanks for watching!

Have you heard about the new kid on the block? Lithium? Thats the second step inforced medication based on teritory one lives in. It's insane the times we are living right now.

Thankfully I'm from EU, and here the fluoridation isnt a thing like it is in US and Canada.

That's imo one of the reasons murricanstend to be of lower IQ. I've read studies linking fluoridation to decreases in IQ and some other horrible side-effects.

People can't wake up when their pineal glands are calcified to the point where they can't tell night from day. Lie from truth.

Sheeple, zombies, NPCs.

I love this country but the biggest problem we have here is that we are the most drugged out society that has ever existed. Doctors pass out heroine like candy on halloween and make huge checks from all the big pharma companies that are run by all the huge corporations that own everything. The grocery stores have turned into chemical stores. The food supply is so full of poison that if you do not die of heart disease the cancer will get you eventually. The pineal gland is a huge factor especially for depression. When I was able to de-calcify my pineal gland I felt like my mind broke out of a prison.Yes I literally just saw advertisements to add lithium to our water supply! Check out this insanity -

wow.... To what extents they are going for this...

The biggest problem is that sheeple don't realize this. Thus,we can't break free from the forced drugging.

How were you able to de-calcify your pineal gland/ how long did it take?

They are throwing Lithium out there to see if the public accepts it but I don't think they will be successful. I was able to get clean water through reverse osmosis filtering. I cannot remember how long exactly it took maybe a couple weeks. I am starting to notice that people are actually starting to wake up to this kind of stuff. It is slow but I believe an "awakening" is occurring throughout the world. After the mid term elections in the U.S. on Tuesday we are going to see a massive wave of arrests after FISA documents are declassified. I am very excited to see what the rest of 2018 has in store for us.