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RE: My Panic Disorder Also What Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki’s Movies Mean to Me

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Very interesting post that got me on two personal angles. Starting with panic attacks. They way you describe it is too the tee. I started getting those after my Dad past away with a heart attack in my early 20s. I was the one who found him and tried to save him. Since that day, I have panic attacks for the fear of dying. It feels exactly the way you wrote. One coping mechanism that I do is just keep telling myself, 'your ok' 'your ok' your ok' over and over till my body catches up with my mind or vice versa. I don't get them that often anymore, usually only happens if I haven't exercised or if I got really drunk.

On another note. Since my wife took me to watch Spirited Away in the theater, my first miyazaki movie. After that, I was obsessed with ghibli and japanese culture. I have also watched all of them many times and now even more as I am introducing them to my kids. I still haven't shown them graveyard of the fireflies. Also, I am sure you have seen it but there is a documentary about him and the studio as it was closing. It was pretty interesting. Finally, if you are ever in japan. Go to the ghibli museum. I wish I had pictures to share but they forbid all photos in the museum. the way you speak about the movies, you would love it. if you haven't been, it like this tiny house and tickets to get in sell out way in advance. It's hard to explain but I could only say it's like going to Skywalker Ranch as a star wars fan. Anyways, this post hit a few buttons with me on a personal level. Be well @calaber24p


Thank you I appreciate your comment and well wishes so much. Im glad you have moved past your attacks for the most part. I am dying to go to the Ghibli Museum, the only thing stopping me from going to Japan is my fear of being on a plane for that long ride. Hopefully one day I can move past it.

I hope so too. You would love it. Even a bigger reason, check this out.