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RE: Breakfast and bullets

in #life7 years ago

Yes please wear the GoPro today :D How many gun clubs do you have? o_O Do you have targets that "shoot" back? XD Having fun is the main thing, am sure you'll have a great time out there :D



de-GoPro'ed for the rest.Hi @ryivhnn I'll be GoPro'ed up for sure. At least for one stage. If it gets in my way then I'll be

I am a member of two clubs. To have (and retain) the right to own handguns it is a requirement to be a member and actively shoot at the club a minimum amount of times, in competition, per year. I take my guns home, they don't stay at the club. There are many, many clubs here in South Australia and across the country. In SA there has to be around 20-30 at least, maybe more.

Do you have targets that "shoot" back?

Good question. targets don't shoot back. I actually get asked this a lot. If they did we'd be in some sort of situation and that would go badly for most people who have no idea about guns and being prepared for emergency situations. That means most people.

So nothing that holds a "gun" (cardboard cutout or nerf gun XD) or flings tomatoes at you? Aww XD But fair enough, I can see how that could be a problem.


Shooting is conducted under the control of a range officer whose commands must be obeyed. No one is down range. I shoot a military pistol with live ammunition. Getting shot will almost certainly mean death. It's all taken very seriously. I shoot at a club run by the military so, as with all clubs, safety and rules are paramount. The targets do not resemble human shapes by design and are certainly not painted with faces or anything for that matter.

No tomato's present either. :)

The video will be up shortly @ryivhnn.