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RE: When is it time to start writing a will?

in #life7 years ago

I think a lot of people find something confronting about wills because then you actually have to consider the fact that even if science somehow finds a cure for aging you still have a chance of dying and need to deal with this. My sister in law and her husband did one before they went on a round the world trip, and she found it pretty confronting. Everyone knew they would just be off having awesome fun times and come back with lots of stories and photos and that's precisely what happened, but I guess you never know for sure :)

Similarly I accidentally found my a copy of my parents' will (well it was just kind of sitting on the dining table, I guess they were either revising it or taking it to lawyers or something), they're in no danger of dying of natural causes anytime soon but they were on top of it, it was just a bit confronting for me because I never like thinking about these things consciously (I do a lot of it subconsciously).

My partner and I know each other's passwords to pretty much everything (I was going somewhere on my own once and suddenly turned around and said to him "you know how to get into my steem account and how to convert to fiat right?" and he looked all freaked out when I explained it to him, not because he wouldn't be able to understand or work out the process, but the poor bugger didn't want to think about why I wouldn't be there to do it XD). We actually should probably do proper ones but as he says, "I'm not intending on dying anytime soon" XD



My thoughts exactly. Even when writing one up when there is no immediate harm or threat to life brings emotions up as if there is. Now that you write that, maybe I need to have the bandaid mentality. Just rip it off and then its done and we can move on.