Maybe he needed to drop the magic because the magic beans became gi-huge-ic (youngest's word XP) overnight whereas normal beans take a little bit longer than overnight and don't get nearly as big.
Gah those meetings full of buzzwords, I hate buzzwords. One of the jobs I worked at in the city, I went to one meeting and may have lost a layer of brain cells. Next time they were like "fyn, meeting!" I was like "Does it involve UI? No? I'm just going to keep hacking then, let me know if anything comes up or yell if you need me." Did not end up in any more meetings after that.

I try my best to not get invited to any by being surly and it flippant but it doesn't seem to work!!
Kindly and regretfully reject their cordial invitation due to having an excessive workload ;D
That might work! CV half the time though it all sounds as if it might be a bit exciting and then crushingly it's not!