get thee behind me Mormon
I can't even remember which book it is but I remember reading a book where one of the characters yells GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN and the other character (who was probably a lesser angel) responds something along the lines of "it would be so much easier if you'd just turn around".

Haha, that is a good line! It wasn't Good Omens was it?
Oh it might have been, I can't remember it's been a while since I read that book. Does seem like it would have come from there XD I recommended it to eldest who was looking for something to read but he's taken my Baroque Cycle series instead (no complaints, also good).
Hehe, it does seem like the kind of line that would be in it. That reminds me, I need to re-read it. And the baroque cycle, is that Neal Stephenson? I like him but I don't think I have read them !
Yep Neal Stephenson. I thoroughly enjoyed them :D May have to reread at some point.
I am in a rut of reading at the mo. I might get them and have a good sesh!