We were at the shops recently and J asked me if I wanted to buy any alcohol and I was like I'm not really feeling it, but decided to try and work out what I might be feeling later. Middle child kept trying to pick the bottles with the coolest looking art but she kept gravitating to the skeletons and they were all tequila which I don't like XD
I ended up with Absolut Lime
I'm guessing from the reaction when you got back you weren't quite as quick with the sneaky drinks as you were hoping to be? XD
Shoggoth wouldn't cope with our Christmas dinners then XD It was only a small one this year but we had ham, shepherd's pie, raw vegetables with a sambal dip, some stirfried vegetable dish, devil curry, rice, and I'm pretty sure there was other stuff in the spread too but I can't remember what right now (I'm mostly remembering what was on my plate). No turkey XD And it's done buffet style. Similar deal when we went to my uncle and aunty's for their Christmas party XD There was supposed to be pavlova for dessert but the meringue didn't behave (Mum suspects because she tried with normal sugar as there was no castor sugar anywhere on the island) so she turned it into Eton Mess (which was the first itme I had ever heard of that) and made a sponge cake.
With J's side of the family it's similar but different as there's various platters of different types of meat and a lot of roast vegetables and they have the more traditional desserts of trifle and a gigantic round Christmas pudding that you have to boil in a sack (that one still gets me XD) and sometimes other things. There might be turkey sometimes too maybe (I don't like it).
Sounds like a hilarious evening XD How's your head? XP

Lol, you guessed right. We were a tad longer than we should have been with the sneaky drinks. What seems like a minute...
My head is okayish, it has been a hard journey this year with the drinks. I must be getting old as I am sure feeling it!
Those dinners sound tops, I love the sound of devil curry. I got outvoted this year as I had wanted curry but the youngest was like blegh, no way!
We have that pudding too! Well, I mean we as in Scotland. The boil in a sack one, Clootie dumpling they call it. I hate it but some people go cuckoo over it. This year we had sticky toffee pudding which was awesome. I could have been persuaded with an Eton Mess right enough, I have always liked them!
On the getting old thing I've been feeling the same with late nights and early mornings. As a friend of mine put it ages ago, "this ain't as easy as it used to be" XD
Do it buffet style and make multiple dishes? XD But maybe smaller if you don't regularly have people over.
I know that feeling. It ain't as easy as it used to be really really sums things up!