My views on, "South African Generation Y".

in #life8 years ago

My views on, "South African Generation Y".
June 23, 2017

Johnathan Shongwe
Understanding the Computer generation

Since this is my first blog I am sure I will be making a lot of mistakes, feel free to advice or correct me I would very much appreciate it.

I feel it will be proper of me by first introducing myself to you. I am a young South African student born in the province of Mpumalanga, I am currently doing my studies at Tshwane University of Technology. I am studying a Office Management And Technology. What interests me about this course is that at first i did not love it all, I just wanted to leave home and go study something since I was disappointed i did not work hard enough in my matric. I wanted to study Law, unfortunately i did not meet the minimum requirement so I enrolled with TUT.

I fell in love with this course because it introduced me to the world of business which I did not know before. I just fell in love with it because it is a career that gives me the opportunity to interact with people and share ideas and be part of something big. One day I want to become a businessman, because in this profession you get to choose what kind of a avatar you want to wear in the business world.

So they say the generation y, which is the computer age. There are different kinds of comments stoned at us. Some people say the technology has made us to become lazy and not stand up for ourselves. Well here is some few points I can tell you about the generation Y, no other generation that has come before us that is more entrepreneur and goal oriented. We not lazy, times have changed. The generation y prefer using their brain more than their hands by which you perceive us as lazy. Yes if you can take away all the technology we would not be productive at all, we are used to the digital world and putting our ideas into paper.

We cannot do hard labour jobs anymore, which Baby Boomers and Generation X used to do in the olden days. They had to be good at it because there was no technology to make the work efficient and much more effect. Generation y achieve efficiency and effectiveness by using the help of technology. The game has changed, more and more companies need people who are good at operating computers and other technological gadget. Our world is becoming a digital world, so we might as well focus with embrace the significance of technology and find ways to improve ourselves through it.