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RE: Becoming Aware Of The One Person You Really Need To Know... You!

in #life8 years ago (edited)


In my humble opinion... You are opening Up Your Heart AND Your Inner Soul ( Your "Internal Compass" ) to the many people that view Your videos...this is generally not easy to do, especially since, as You suggested, we are ALL programmed from a relatively young age Not to BE our authentic selves.

We all tend to not only keep our authentic selves from others (especially Family, Friends & complete strangers) BUT as You suggested and much more importantly...... FROM Ourselves...

GOD knows we have ALL done or said a great number of things that we are not proud of and perhaps would like to either "rewind or completely erase" from our own memory & the memories of others.

BIG Kudos 2 You, Jeff... You are becoming a "Beacon" of Self Awareness ( enLIGHTenment ) and You are an encouraging example for many 1,000's on their own "personal path", if not the many more people that have been "positively & personally influenced" by the people that have actually watched & experienced Your "walking videos"...... with or without Your Family of Dogs... >> : ~ ))

We ALL are incredibly connected beyond our wildest imaginations to everyone & everything on this planet... this concept was embedded within the story-line of the movie, Avatar... which is why it may have internally "resonated & harmonized" with so many people on this planet.

Thank You Very Much Jeff for sharing...

         ~~~ Namaste ~~~