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RE: I Dreamed I Was In Gaza

in #lifelast year

That was quite the dream 😟 really scary, and War is just so wrong and to many innocent People loose their lives. Sometimes we dream things that just surprises us and People can show up in the dream that you like 😳 WHAAAAT?
What are they doing in my dream?

I also seen someone die but that was in a car accident where I stopped to help after seing the crash.
But to see someone get shot, or blown up is just... Cant even imagine. Next time I hope you dream about how amazing you are and knowing how loved you are.
Sometimes you read things and just don't know exactly what to say, and I guess this is one.

Sending much hugs and love your way 🤗💕🤗


Thanks twin
I appreciate your thoughts and wishes 🤗💕🤗

And I appriciate YOU 🤗💋