hi steemian, something interesting from the picture that I took this afternoon, a flock of snails craze, this snail herd attacked the mango fruit, before his snails are climbing the tree and eating away the mango until the end of his mango fall
hi steemian, ada yang menarik dari gambar yang ku ambil tadi sore, sekawanan siput menggila, kawanan siput ini menyerang buah mangga, sebelum nya para siput ini menaiki pohon dan menggerogoti buah mangga hingga akhir nya buah mangga jatuh
here shows that teamwork can produce results that were previously impossible to be sure.
disini memperlihatkan bahwa kerja sama tim dapat membuahkan hasil yang sebelumnya mustahil menjadi pasti.
Hi @safwan10000 do you have a snail farm?
No, i don't have