EVERY of us have the past. Whether it's a good past or a bad thing, we must have experienced it. But know your friends, we can never judge a person from his past. If in the past he was a clever person, we can not be able to convict the person in the future still with his immorality. Could be, tomorrow he will be the most obedient person. And we never know.
Without ever we realize, we are more often busy with the vices of others. It seems that other people's faults are so obvious in our eyes, without ever realizing that we may be more guilty and worse than the person we are assessing.
We never have the right to judge a person. Either from the past or its current condition. Even people who have a dirty past, he still has a clean future, is not it? However, the extent to which he will maintain his clean future or pollute it with the same error.
Opportunity is always God's present for those who are willing to fight. Struggling to improve himself. Even with a bad past. Everyone has an uncharacteristic future. So our task is to struggle earnestly to make the future clean.
Postingannya luar biasa @samakito