Do Photoshop images affect self-image and self-esteem?

in #life7 years ago

The way in which the society is progressing by the mere introduction of Photoshop, it wouldn’t be surprising if the media starts exaggerating. It has allowed agents to make alterations in the pictures of their models by using different Photoshop tools to make their models look even younger and prettier. It has created the impression that these “fake” images are society’s requirements, thus the reader degrades himself/herself, lowering their self-esteem.
According to Maxwell Maltz:

"Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand break on."

Wanting the Ideal Body:

Since modern society is ruled by social media, young girls and women get deceived by the images of these models, thus making them lose confidence in themselves which results in insecurity. In order to obtain this so called “ideal body”, women and young girls drop their weight down to dangerous levels creating psychological diseases such as Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa.
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Impact of Photoshop images:

Researchers have tried their best in trying to find the impact that body image has on women particularly. In the western society, the more a women is exposed to media the more she tends to be self-conscious. It is not only the case in western societies the far east is also heavily affected but this is not only the case in western societies the far east is also heavily affected by this as well, the average age in girls in South Korea to undergo plastic surgery is 17 years old. It has been recorded that, South Korea has the most plastic surgeries per capita on earth, with over 980,000 recorded operations in 2014. That's 20 procedures per 1,000 people. It is believed that this type of flawlessness is attainable, but alas it is just a mirage.
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Just Following the Trend:

Perhaps if more celebrities become satisfied with their own body image and demand that their photos be printed without Photoshop editing, everyone else will follow suit. And more women and girls will realize that there is no such thing as “perfect” beauty. Girls in general are more sensitive in nature. If they are put under pressure they try their best to solve the matter. Thus they are the easiest targets as well. So media tries it’s very best to mess with females, knowing it would end up in their own favour while hurting these girls. In their eyes, they are just doing what everybody else is doing while they lose sight of themselves. They end up becoming someone who they are not.

Becoming an Obsession:

Even though it is not a bad thing to care about yourself and everybody wants to look good. But as soon as this habit start to become a desperate attempt to impress others, it becomes harmful. On top of that they get obsessed with what other people have to say. They let the society rule their minds as well as their actions. These people become society’s marionette, they are completely and utterly under their influence.
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Dis-satisfaction with one’s self:

Studies show that a Photoshop image is like a double edges sword. The one who Photoshop’s an image is already desperate and the one who is exposed to it also becomes desperate. They become more stressed and a sense of guilt and shame over comes them.
For example, if a person Photoshop’s his/her image with a brand new expensive car. It shows that the person himself was indeed the first victim, before he could have an impact on others he was the first one to be dis-satisfied. As soon as others see his picture, they become upset and feel pathetic at their own situation. They end up blaming their fate and become victims of depression.

Low Self-confidence:

The effects of these images vary among people, but it affects all of them. Some people may wish that they had pictures like the Photoshop images but in the end they do nothing about it. It all depends on how desperate one is or how much of an influence society has on the person. People with low self-confidence tend to be the clearest of all victims. Unsure about themselves, always wondering if they fit into society properly. They neither trust themselves nor do they love themselves.
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Thus Photoshop images do have an effect on ones self-image as well as his self-esteem. Cornelius Lindsey says:

"If you live off a man’s compliments, you will die from his criticism."


I totally agree!cool article!

thank you

This post has received a 19.32 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @samboy.

Very interesting piece! I agree that photoshopping definitely has an impact on self esteem and I feel that we will really see the impact in the up coming generations. I personally do not buy magazines etc basically because I’m not interested in them but “touched up” photos and images are always around us - even encouraged by many popular photo apps. I think the impact these “enhancements” (if you could even call them that) really hit me when my 6 year old daughter was upset because she “didn’t have a stomach like insert celebrity name” - I couldn’t believe it, my daughter is slim and has no weight issues medically but she is already exposed to these, in many cases unrealistic, expectations. It saddened me that at 6 years old my daughter is already worrying about weight and appearance while at her age I think I was still making mud pies in baggy, dirty, over sized clothes!

It's sad, really sad! If at the age of 6 this is her concern, I wonder what her concern will be when she becomes an adult. It's not in any way her fault, it's everywhere. Who are we to blame?

I hope through the influence of myself and her dad we will be able to teach and show her how to be happy with herself, understand her self worth and also to realise not everything you see and read is the truth.

Very nice initiative, I'm sure that will help

Photoshop shouldn’t affect ones self image. That’s my own opinion though. Nice post by the way.

I could not agree any further! Well said. Isn't it amazing how we regard a person based on the his/her likes on Facebook or Instagram? In this era, it is surprising how we relate self esteem to the number of likes on Facebook, Number of followers on Instagram just to mention a few. We feel proud when we portray a different lifestyle on social media which in no way correlates with our real lives, Ironic! Thank You very much for this enlightment!