No matter how hardworking and independent you might be, you would still need the input of people to make it in life. Does the term "self made" really exists in its remote sense? Well, that's a subject to be talked about another time. But it is worthy to note here that; no one (that includes you and I) is an island all by himself. In one way or the other, you've received assistance from people, that is why it is good to treat people fairly.
Be very nice to every side of the towel, because the side you used to wipe your butt today could be the same side you'll use to wipe your face tomorrow - Popular Naija proverb [paraphrased by me]
This also applies to life's scenarios. When you move pass any bridge, do you burn the damn bridge and hit your chest that you won't need that bridge again? Remember, you may have a reason to ply that route again, and your chances of succeeding would have been blown away by your own hands.
Some people would only be fair to you when they're expecting a favour from you. But the moment they feel they've gotten what they want, or maybe if they feel you're no longer useful, they'll drop you like a bad habit - and sometimes forgetting your past kindness. That is why some people would be nice to their super-ordinates and bosses, but would be very cruel to their subordinates. Prolly they are not aware there's something called "tomorrow".
Sometimes, some people fail to look beyond the bend, and they'll only focus on the immediate; and thus; beclouding their sense of judgement with "myopism". Someone that may not look like it today could be the person that may help your destiny tomorrow.
Just as life is in phases, so also is the destination point of people different. If you judge someone by their present state, you're only limiting your perception from seeing the true potentials in them. Treat everyone fairly; and remember this; the kindness you give out to someone today may find its way to you when you need it tomorrow
Thanks for reading
Exactly my mentor! U are indeed correct...but it saddens my heart to see people fail to return favour. Certainly I know that we should render help from our heart but someone fellow pay their aiders with evil.
Affirmative! Selfcenteredness has killed one thinks good of the other...its like survival of the fittest. I pray this menance reduces in Nigerian politics.
I'm really honoured by your awesome comment, and your presence.
Thanks for coming around bro
Yea... you’re very right sir...
It’s good to be kind.
Kind people receive great reward in future.... what you do today hunts you tomorrow...
Exactly. And the kindness should be to all.
A person that is kind to you, but is cruel to the nanny, is not kind at all.
Thanks man