Importance Of Reading

in #life7 years ago


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Just as we require food to grow our physical body every day, we also need books to build the building blocks of our imagination.

The level and quality of your imagination depends on how much books you've stored inside you.

Spending a day without reading will shorten the freshness of your imagination. Just like plants need water to be fresh, your mind needs a daily supply of books to maintain its freshness.

Books have been with us for a long time and I don't see books going extinct anytime soon, rather I see books becoming more digital because this world can't survive without information.

Life can be so stress-free if only we could learn to read books.

Reading books help you think less and receive more.

Reading is a form of exercise

The brain is just like muscles, if you leave them idle without exercises they won't be strong, the more you exercise and train your muscles, the stronger it becomes. The same thing applies to your brain, less reading equals lazy brain.

The more you read, the more you exercise your brain to hold information.

Reading expands your vocabulary

This is actually easier to understand. The more you come across a word or group of words with several examples (from different books) the easier it will be for you to use those words in your writing or communication.

Reading books gives us an insight into how an author thinks and feel. So if you want to know how your mentor or favourite author thinks? Then go through his/her publications.

Importance of reading posts on Steemit before commenting

Making comments on Steemit is one way of getting good attention from other steemians. You don't get attention through DM's and spamming with links to your post, no it's annoying, only do that to friends you are comfortable with.

In other to make good and quality comments, you'll have to carefully read and understand what the author was writing on. The quality of your comments equals the extent at which you read and understood his/her post.

The future of books.

It's so obvious that technology is changing everything rapidly and the change will soon affect the way we relate to books.

I really don't know what the future of books is going to be like, but I'm sure we'll have more electronic books in the future, but no matter how it technological it becomes, make sure to always read so you can increase your vocabulary, be ahead of your game, gain more knowledge and increase your level of imagination.

Thanks you for reading ....

samstickkz fall gif.gif


Everybody reads, but not everybody knows the correct thing to read.
A lot of people read junks, that is why their thought pattern is lopsided.
As per reading posts on Steemit before commenting, most people get it all wrong cos they see it as a waste of time.
I wish they'll come to the realization that they miss out valuable information when they skip reading posts and just head straight to upvote or make worthless compliments to the author whose post content they don't even internalize.

You nailed it there!

The value of books cannot be over-emphasized. As a poet, I can relate to the fact that in the bid to write a good poetry piece, words are of utmost importance. I personally wrote in poem that

Words are the threads that stitch the fabric of life, the garments that clothe the deepest of emotions.

From time to time, writers see the need to know new words and the only way to know new words is by reading.

I personally prefer the traditional hardbound pages than e-books (personal preference tho) and it gives my eyes orgasms when I come across new words.

Thanks for sharing and reminding of the need to read more to know more so as to be more.

and it gives my eyes orgasms when I come across new words.

Those words😎

😁 it's an honour to write to read your words.

I absolutely love it when I get a new book, the smell and the feeling of the pages is just amazing, we must PROTEST against books being vanished!! XD XD XD

So...Im loyal to my kindle. I used to go to the library a few times a week to check out books, and constantly carried at least two books with me at all times. Why? If you've ever finished your book and realized you still have 50 minutes on the subway, then you'd risk shoulder pain for the emergency entertainment. I couldnt live without my kindle now, but it took me a long time to convert. I feel terrible saying this but books hurt my hand now. UGH WHAT HAVE I BECOME?!?

Lol we can't have that, they'll rather get digital

You're very right sir... Though, we may not notice it many at times but everything we read, no matter how seemingly insignificant, becomes a part of us and weaves not only our vocabulary but also our imagination, thought and even writing. A good leader must be a good follower and in the vein same, a good writer is first of all a good reader...

Also, one could easily pick knowledge from different people by reading their work and all this knowledge put together could make one even better than them. Classic scenario of student beats master.

@ajremy(the teen with steam for steem)

This is exceptional sir.

Your post is even much more exceptional... my comment is merely a bye product.... Well done sir and pls don't call me sir oh... biko..

Shey you wantu kill me nii??

yes reading is good habit whenever a man sit to read no tention in his head
just fress to read ......thanks for the valuable post sharing

Thank you for visiting my blog

I just learned something right now: Brain is like a muscle, the more you excercise it on reading, or even on critical thinking, the more it develops and your good vocabulary usage enhances. Thank God i read your post. If not i would not see where you said that its advisable to always read through every post to develop the brain

Thanks for the piece.

I noticed the extent you have devloped yourself by the way you gave your speech at Enugu Meetup. Keep it up @samstickkz.

nice meeting you

Awhhhh thank you sir. Thank you for being part of the amazing people in enugu. Looking forward to meeting you guys again sir

Ok. I hope so boss

The level and quality of your imagination depends on how much books you've stored inside you.

This is very true , you just cant reason certain ways when you have read and known certain things at certain level, you even reduce arguing cause you know from studies.
Another great write up @samstickkz

Thank you @adorablechi reading also builds your character

As i was growing up, i never enjoyed reading till i got to steemit. Most of the things i read are from steemit and i enjoy the information and knowledge i obtain here. Indeed many lack the zeal to read. They have no drive. Especially in Ghana where we only read for exams sake. I personally believe the future of books will be on social media as in all books will be on social media and compiled.
Imagine all your posts being put and categorised in alphabetically.

Same here in Nigeria, people only read for exams, no exam, no reading.

It's that way because even our leaders (in Nigeria) didn't even go to school, so they can't see much reasons to read.

But steemit makes reading fun and interesting. Not only do you get valuable information, you also get information that will monetize your future.

Wow... This is mind expanding sir.
The value of reading cannot be overemphasized.

If you spend 2 hours reading and digesting the content of a good book you would have gain in 2 hours what it took the author 20 years of experience to get.

Very very true. Sometimes reading makes you see far

Great post

I think in our age of social media and instant messaging, it is easier to relegate reading to a corner.

Even as a student if literature, reading can be a chore for me. But like you said,

Spending a day without reading will shorten the freshness of your imagination. Just like plants need water to be fresh, your mind needs a daily supply of books to maintain its freshness.

Thanks for sharing

Yes, everyone who wants to be successful must have a daily dose of reading

thank you for the reminder! i used to live in Brooklyn, NY and commute one hour on the train each way to work. TWO hours of every day was spent reading! Now that I work on a farm, my kindle hasnt been turned on in quite some time. Ive been feeling a little sluggish in the brain, and I think its the lack of exercise. I dont count reading blogs on the computer, too much stop and go, click here, be distracted with that meme there....

Wow 2 hours a day was great. Now that your farm is taking your time you just have to create time, or work smart to the point that you can relax for hours reading and still have money coming it. Invest wisely

thats the plan. slow going, but just gotta keep at it! im a chicken when it comes to investing! #savingshorder

You'll soon be a whale