My favorite part about using Steem is interacting with new users. My interactions with them are 100% positive (try saying that about anywhere else online!) and I often see really talented people before they get big! I wanted to amplify two accounts that I feel are deserving of attention. I have given them both follows and you should, too!
This is a comedy account about a snarky llama with rainbow fur. I spend so much time on this site reading cryptocurrency posts written by people who take themselves very seriously. I find this author's humor to be a great palate cleanser after seeing my hundreth price analysis of the day. Here is a snippet from one of their posts.
The introductory post for this account had more pictures than any post I've ever seen. The author shows photos of scenery, DIY projects, and garden progress shots. Not only are the images good but they make me want to come back to find out the progress of his garden! Here are a few pics.
As you can tell, our soil is rich!
I hope you enjoyed meeting these two new Steemians. Check out their stuff and give them a follow!
Thanks for the mention! Glad you enjoyed my very first post. I hope I can continue to entertain people.