People who live in glass houses have to
wash their windows all the time.
Art Buchwald
After listening to a reverberating track on radio this morning i could not help but come up with this caption. Its a song done by a Nigerian artist, P square titled No Body Ugly.I was consumed in thought for a long and i had to download the video clip to quench my curiousity. For the record i came to the resolution that we are actually now living in a glass house.
"Nobody Ugly"
...If you they use your time for instagram (Amaka)
You fine or you no fine (Adiamacha)
But for reality I see you girl you baddam
Na who you they deceive you
Gi ne enyonuo ma emani maka
...As you they for twitter
Your name for insta
Sexy bootilicious twista eh
Why you too they lie eeh
When nothing they to they shake oh
Where the waste oh
As you they for twitter
Your name for insta
Sexy bootilicious twista eh
Why you too they shy eh
When you no say you fine
...You go for window shopping take a selfie chakam
You post am up they tag your maga gbagam
You they there they form ikoyi when you they ipaja
The advance of technology as regards human civilisation has to a great extent redefined the way we do things.
It has for sure made life easy and more comfortable but in the other hand we should be careful not to go wild/ extreme with it.
Facebook and Instagram
The introduction these platforms has sure improved the socio-economic strata of our society. Many has sealed great business deals, some met the love of their life, some has improved the life of other through valuable content creation and lots more all on this platform.
On the other hand this same tool had been abused used to cause havoc to others as well. So many use the platforms as though it was a big brother africa everyday show.
If you have been around for a while you should know what BBA is and the kind of effect and reaction it generated while it lasted. The irony of it is that is the effect of such exposure still lingers in of everyday society as many have not yet awaked from the Big brother Africa Dream.
If Nigeria for instance in those days when men were men it was really rare for you to see to cleavage of a woman not to talk of knowing the color of her underwear. You literally had to jump a lot of huddles for some sight see or to gain entrance.
in a glass house and if you got a glass
jaw, you should watch yo mouth: cause
I'll break yo face. Curtis Jackson
Today the story seems different as the supposed family secret recipe is now an object for public consumption.
Its seems like she does not care that is been watched and he seems not to know that other are looking up to him. We are now leaving in a glass house and shame is now redefined for freedom and an icon of acceptance.

Glass House Security
One of the major benefits of using most social media is that its smart and has the on the go interface and like instagram or facebook it only takes a click for the worldd to see you.
However we sure have to be mindful of the content and context of our daily post bearing in mind that we are now living in a glass house.
Personal information
In which previous post i talked other be yourself and not trying to measure up.
For instance you see a post like this almost every week on facebook or instagram:

It is most probable that such a person get a few likes (and plenty of envious hate) from colleagues and friends, and it’ll also tell the guy in the neighborhood, who’s
been eyeing your expensive watch collection, that it’s time to strike.
Some personal information are mearnt to be kept personal... No need to try measuring up and showing off because in the real world no body really cares about all that luxury of yours.
- It would be helpful to also check on the public profile of all your social media account account to be sure what your filled in would not compromise your private security in the long run.
- Post valuable content for public consumption and be sure were every post measures up with who you truly are and what would not be ashamed off when it goes viral.
Other post:
Age of no shame: mind your own business
Mum, i cant take it anymore: you shoulf have told me...
that not a good choice
How do u mean