Synopsis: I lost my job just before Christmas of 2017. Since then, life has been completely different in many ways. Time at home offered me both hope and peace to enjoy the finer things in life that are often ignored like the solemn moment's in meditation, reading a book next to a fireplace or roasting a corn on a stick with the kids in a backyard campfire.
Being at home also gave me the courage to question the many beliefs that I thought were true and immutable. Do I really need to spend my next 30 years working for Corporate America to feed my family? Do I have to wait until I retire at age 65 to do the things I enjoy doing? Am I cementing a similar boring path for our kids to blindly follow - 20 years at school; 40 years at work; 15 years regretting that I could have done better while contemplating death?
This is my blog that attempts to capture my thoughts as they travel at the speed of light through the billions of neural networks within the grey matter we call brain and the mysterious second brain we call the Gut, as I attempt to free myself and my family from the illusion we call life.
The last few days were uneventful financially. The stock market is falling, the crypto market is crawling, and the job market is crambling. Several big companies like GE are shredding their workforce overflooding the supply of job hunters. Our backyard was full of laughter and excitement though. Snow has thawed and the grass emerged. I asked the kids to gather dry woods and we made a campfire. My wife put corns on sticks for roasting. Even though they're overcooked, the corns tasted so good and the kiddos were asking for more.
I also bought some woods and started building our vegetable garden. We gathered all the dried leaves to fill the garden plot I just made. Couldn't have thought of a better way of exhausting the kids' energy that would have otherwise been spent on jumping in the bed for an hour or so before falling asleep.
There's something about growing plants that attracts me. I don't know yet what it is but the sight of transforming a seed into a leafy organic living thing gives me satisfaction. Perhaps growing up on a farm has something to do with it. Perhaps because of my curiosity about the connection between plants and the Fibonacci number series. Or maybe because of watching too many documentaries about the perils of GMOs and the millions of dead bees.
I've always wondered if nature has the answer to many of the puzzles we humans have created. The cure to HIV virus, how to defuse a hurricane, how to make a male or female human fetus. We already know for example that for some animals like the turtle, the temperature of the sand that hatched the eggs decides the sex of the newborns. I'm pretty sure we barely scratch the surface in terms of unlocking mother nature's secrets despite the over 6,000 years of modern human evolution.
What if nature has a better alternative to living a better life? Too bad the vast knowledge of the American native Indians died with them. It would have been a good start for my journey of discovery.
Until next time...
See also: LIFE After LOSING My Job and My PURSUIT to FREEING Myself from the MATRIX Part 1
sorry my friend desperately need your help this time may you help me
Such is life. When a door closed another opens.
Follow your passion, money will come.
thanks for the encouragement.
I retired almost two years ago after managing the building of production lines that make cars. I liked the work, but would have liked to pursue something different. Good luck with staying away from the corporate drudgery.
thanks for the feedback @chuck2u32. Would appreciate some of your ideas on what you would have done differently.
I'm not sure I have the courage to have done anything differently. I really don't have a passion for anything except cooking and wine making. I would have liked to have started a microbrewery. Money was a factor. Project management was a good living which I was was also passionate about. I even wrote a seminar "Project Management Techniques for Engineers" back in the 90's and presented it to the Society of Manufacturing Engineers in a couple of regions. It takes courage to leave what you know and start a new career. Maybe I'm more disappointed that I really just played it safe.
I hope to one day be able to live in nature as you describe here. I hope you find yourself not only able to remain in this more natural state. The ancient alchemists were known for using the ground as their main source of alchemy, not the myth we see bandied about so much about lead to gold. They were more focused on transforming the heart, and it reads like you have become one of them. Thank you for sharing your story. It is another one of inspiration for me as I trek one day closer to joining you in this mode of living.