This is the main reason why have I decided to go through all that pain of wearing braces. I talk a lot and I smile a lot. My job (as a wedding photographer) is specific and I am always somewhere new so I am trying to make the best impression. My future clients need to know that I am serious, that I care about my appearance when working. The same goes to the working & meeting outfit (I'll write something about it in my future posts).
My teeth were funny and weird. They looked like this and worse since I was 13 yo. I used to laugh with my hand over my mouth than later on I have decided it is ridiculous to hide them. In my mind it was mission impossible to fix them and believe me, I've tried to wear those mobile braces. THEY F. SUCK! I couldn't eat or sleep and my throat was sore very often. They ended up in a garbage can.
My ex orthodontist told me (when I threw my mobile braces away):

This day was the happiest and the worst at the same time. I was so happy something is going on with my teeth but in the same time the pain was unbearable and I couldn't eat properly. I was questioning myself is this pain really worth of it?
Important info
- I've decided to wear ceramic braces. They are white, kinda unvisible and they cost little bit more
- Ceramic braces cost (cca.) 2500 dolars (in Croatia where I live), regular ones are little bit cheaper
- I was taking painkillers and my food was mainly soup during the first week of my lower braces
- First week is the worst ever, I was telling my body to shut up and suck it up
- Second week is kinda ok, still feeling shitty, can't chew regulary
- After one month of wearing lower braces, I got used to them
Only CON of ceramic braces
- Everytime you drink Coca-Cola or drink coffee or wine etc., they'll turn brown or yellow, you have to brush them after every drink or meal :')
The pain came back with my upper braces but I was so happy to have them on, I didn't really care about anything else :D I couldn't believe my eyes how can my teeth chance in just two months of wearing upper braces. Check this out! :O
I was so, so happy that I was talking selfies every now and then to check out the progress :'D
I am happier, always smiling, my life has changed! <3 This is the best investment in my life!
Sooo, yeah! I've been wearing ceramic braces for 2 years (my lower braces) and 1,5 yer (my upper braces). Last month my amazing orthodontist from Dental Centar Dubravica told me that I have to wear these rubber bands to fixate my bite and that I will be free of them in a month or two. Ooooh the wait! :D
As soon as I get them off I'll let you know!
Thank you for reading.
Love, S.
(all photographs are mine)
Keramičke bradavice 4eva <3
Baš su ti kul! Super mi je ova fotka with messy hair! Keep on smiling :)
Hvala ti! :D
Your braces look cute on you. I'm happy to hear you are happy and always smiling, that's the most important thing you know? :) Selfies you took are hilarious, thank you for brightening up my morning.
Thank you! Can't wait to take them off :D