in #life9 years ago

This led to my post that Facebook circle of friends I have not a single member of the LGBT community. After all, I am quite tolerant of LGBT respect, and I think that their human value based on sexual orientation does not change.

The problem is that the last time I begin to feel that they do not understand this . What am I here?

LGBT community members, contrary to prevailing myths, are not very tolerant of - looked at one of their negative remarks on refugees, people with disabilities. However, they want to afford exceptional tolerance. Even non-tolerance and universal acceptance . It's like being told that they're gay, should all attack clap on the back and say , "congratulations, a great choice!".

Perhaps you, dear, you will be surprised, but heterosexual in most cases did not receive applause because the most satisfied with their sexual needs . Equally heterosexual and face the criticism, intolerance and so on. Just heterosexuals does not appear that their sexual preference gives some advantage.

LGBT community on the contrary - want their sexual behavior to provide a range of benefits. Because as someone may not like that you're gay? Can. Just as may not like that you're thick, ginger, glasses or poor.

Do you see the parade, which requires stout that they all would love? In which obese women display their ground hanging bellies and then outraged that there's something whistled or standing with the poster "drop weight fatties ?

And I'm here in no way saying that the whistling or posters already very good. I just illustrates the fact that any parade (fatmans, vegan, breast-feeding mothers openly, etc.) Would receive both positive and negative reactions. Because the opinion is not a monopoly . Because obesity is one beautiful, while others cause disgust. For one mother believes that a well-made breast-feeding a child, and the other never neutral.

Pluralism of opinions is an integral part of freedom of expression. And though at times it can cause damage, but the opinion of the monopoly certainly do much more damage. Opinions monopoly would mean that the human mind and conscience is placed halter and his private feelings to censorship. Private spheres of life censorship almost always lead to dehumanization and other negative consequences - persecution, punishment and so on.

Meanwhile, the LGBT basically starts to seek the opinion of a monopoly, purportedly to be gay is amazing and they are nothing not even half lips suggest that it is unacceptable. But why?

If you are a mature his head being directed by a man, you should at least care about, what about your sex life thinking neighbor from an adjacent stairwell, fifteenth cousin, or in general any hormonal teenager afflicted, come make fun of gay parade.

At present, at least in Lithuania, many people suffer far more discrimination than gay men, and the only entity that actually discriminates against those gay is a state that does not allow to legalize their mutual relations. But - and paradox - the LGBT community criticized the state does not mean they are complaining about the fact that there's any rural Yap came to protest before the Gay Pride parade, or that any bigot speak for them Potter.

In this sense, rather than to concentrate power in order to be able to function like any couple, they spend energy in order to convince a centuries-old grandmother, the life of a man's penis not seen the light of day, that the fence sausage is normal.

It is because of this wasteful attitude and he just miserable approval quest, gay is similar to teenagers who are doing something wrong, that would be good to themselves, but to someone else for the accolade.

But, gentlemen, if you are good with your orientation, a partner, a way of life, if you're happy and you do not want to change anything, it will change the fact that any bigot will you pray for the Church? What will change is that there will be enshrined in the opinion of monopoly themselves to be gay is cool? You will get a medal? Promoted at work? Improve family relationships?

In part, I believe that gay men over public opinion is trying to change the relationship with your close environment, or even with themselves. Most likely, they believe that if the perception monopoly themselves to be homosexual - welcome, their relatives or friends will criticize them, while they themselves will feel more secure and happier.

However, the real truth is that the relationship with the family does not change on the media, and the presence of some of their decision-shaped inner harmony and self-analysis. No one other than you will not improve your relationship with mom, dad, brothers, partner, or even yourself. Heterosexual, although recognized in the state as " just a couple of " experiencing the same problems - conflicts with a partner, doubts about their choice, relatives opposition relations and so on.

And every day they live with that. In addition to the parade.