Let’s begin with a very fascinating idea and the word “Consumption”. The right Consumption is the key to everything. OK then, what do we consume? Content. Content is what is Consume. OK, then what all qualify as Content. Everything that we put into our mouth. Everything that we allow our to Ears to hear. Everything that we allow our Eyes to see. Everything that we put into our Minds. i.e Every thought that we Encourage. Everything that we put into our Hearts. i.e Every feeling that we Encourage.
For coming up with Good Output, for being Productive, for coming up with some Real Good Results, Good Consumption is the key. Successful Companies consume Good Human Resources. Successful families consume Good Values. And a Successful Person consumes a Good Life Style. A Good Life Style comprises of Good Physical Consumption, Good Mental Consumption & Good Emotional Consumption.
You know you don’t put anything that comes to your hand into your mouth. You consciously choose what goes into your mouth. That is because nobody can shove anything forcefully down your throat. And when something unsuitable to your body gets into your body, you body generates different kinds of pain. And just because that pain is so manifest you make sure you don’t put that stuff into your mouth.
Likewise every time you can choose, you must Consciously choose what goes into your Mind and what goes into your Emotions. Bringing in this kind of Consciousness into our Life Process can actually bring us into contact with the Enormous Potential and the Greatest of the Experiences Life has to Offer.