Everyone has a pet story or two to tell so I thought I would share mine.
Some are hilarious others a bit sad, or both hilarious and sad.
My first story is about my sweet little budgie Cocoa.
Little Cocoa had such a wonderful little personality and he was extra special to me due to him having a deformed foot.
One day my Mum, three sisters and I were in a rush to get to Grandmas. It was pouring with rain and had a 30-minute drive to endure, which I was not happy with as I got carsick.
About ten minutes into the drive my mum gasped and said: “oh my god, we forgot to put Cocoa inside.” We turned around and went back home. Sure enough poor Cocoa was on the highest perch in his cage shivering and soaking wet and his cage was filled with water.
While Mum cleaned the cage I thought I would dry my little Cocoa.
It was taking too long to try dry him with a towel so I got out the hair dryer. Mum came in to my room quickly to tell me to turn it off as it would probably scare poor Cocoa to death, but my little Cocoa was in his element. He was lifting his wings and turning around lifting his tail to make sure I dried him all over. He was chirping away happily and loving every minute.
So as a treat I would from then on get out the hair drier and Cocoa would happily sit on my hand getting his blow-wave done.
Great story! I had a parakeet just like yours.

If you like that you would find my story about Pip Pop hilarious