A True History of The Garden of Eden, Part 12

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Eden 2.0, it's time to let go of my own incredible history here:I am one of thousands of people affected by @quinneaker's visionary community the @gardenofeden. As we clean and organize in preparation for a big move towards

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12 👇🏽

ayahuasca in the Amazon.Years before I came to @quinneaker's amazing @gardenofeden sustainable community, I did

It was AWESOME. Intense, but epic AF.

She gave me countless downloads and lessons that continue unfolding for me to the present day. I had a particularly warm and wonderful vision of being washed clean in the rain, all forgiven in the downpour.

I come from a biological family that has held grudges going on 20 years, and that moment in the jungle with transcendent plant medicine was the first experience I remember with forgiveness. It was such an expansive relief! Such an opening to possibility and a release of burden!

This replayed again and again in my mind as I entered my second year here at the @gardenofeden, focused on healing from not only ugly drama with my ex, but layers and layers and generations and generations of dysfunctional relationship programming.

I knew that forgiveness would be key to moving on and refocusing my life, but with such a limited experience of the subject, I struggled with fully integrating the concept. Sometimes I could remember the feeling from ayahuasca, but mostly I could only vaguely recall that I had felt something that one time in the rainforest.

How do we do something we don't know how to do? How do we EMBODY unfamiliar values?

Like the hundredth monkey washing my banana in the stream, I often learn from watching others. I am forever grateful to be here at the @gardenofeden, because I have access to exemplary humans - I observe true greatness on a daily basis.

Quinn of course offered inspiring wisdom and guidance that saved me from repeating another lifetime of abusive patterns. But even after showing up in honor for me for an entire year, I was still anxious and intimidated by his power, clarity, ability, and striking good looks. I could barely look at him; it felt more "normal" and comfortable to disconnect from feelings than to talk to him about them.

Slowly slowly I have gotten better and better at receiving Quinn, but I have rarely if ever been uncomfortable around @everlove. She is warm and nurturing, a truly divine feminine being.

I often vented to her, and she patiently listened to me. I treated her like a peer, and she let me, but she was/is a mentor/teacher/superior and a supreme inspiration for choosing conscious, empowered relationships.

I rarely if ever asked questions about her relationship and history with Quinn. It was obvious they loved and supported each other, and I knew that she was so inspired by his vision that she had gifted the property that would become the @gardenofeden to him to fulfill his dream. What a true and deep and significant love to move someone so intensely! What a miraculous and glorious love that laid the foundation to provide for tens of thousands of people!

Less obvious was her relationship with the spicy Korean mother of Quinn's children, who just happen to be @everlove's favorite playmates...not exactly your standard nuclear family. Curious though I was, I am not one to pry or gossip, and I rarely if ever questioned that either. But @everlove shared many of their experiences together during our countless "sessions".


Their choice to live together in revolutionary love motivates me to question, release, and rise above everything I thought I knew about relationships.

Do you want to know why I live at the @gardenofeden?

Join me in the next post to fall deeper and deeper in real love.

Part 13

✨💛✨ Sara!


Wow great support for these times!

We all have such almost unbelievable stories to tell. My journey with Quinn has opened me in ways I could never even recognize I was closed....it was just normal.

Gratefully I challenged myself to walk the walk and face those things that I was flat out petrified by--my own inner demons! It's amazing how life unfolds in divine order for us to re-realize another perspective. I'm inspired to continue my story and as I do continue clearing out the cobwebs with gratitude.

Blessings abound!

@sarahmiller I read you post and @everlove 's post. What baffles me is both of you commenting on looking into @quinneaker 's eyes. It hard to look into. I know how that feels! I was there at one point. Now I am okay with it. I love the heck outta him. But this just trips me out how we all have this in common.

The power is real! I could write a whole post about that alone, because just looking at him is such an intense experience. It's soul gazing!
I love living here so much; every moment is an opportunity to be conscious and more alive! Even just LOOKING at each other can be so much more meaningful and inspiring.

Intriguing! <3