
Anytime, when I get free later I will try to remember to pop by your profile and RESTEEM a few of your articles. I run Steemit Blogger Central on FB and Twitter and we seem to be growing fast lately. Idea is to hook people up with a home to see RESTEEMS and connect users to other users, plus highlight Steemit to the outside world in hopes we get more new users. Lots of work but I really love this community and want to help where I can. So when I get a chance after I hook up the 50 people at me for RESTEEMs I will come by and include you in the mix if you would like. Keep up the great work. Well worth my follow easily

I appreciate that, @sflaherty! Great to see the community growing so fast; this is really revolutionary and super exciting. Way to go in bringing Steemit to more people!!!

I figured earn my way around here using my past marketing gigs to help where I can. You need anything let me know, i am kind of addicted to this place and spend a lot of time in here lol. Great to meet you

Great to meet you too! Wonderful to have such enthusiasm in the community - it really is amazing here :)

I am all in here, I been looking for a home in crypto for a long time, found one while I was with PIVX but this here is a bit more my speed seeing I can be myself, write about what I love and meet great like minds as well. I am going full time between my running of my pages for Steemit Blogger Central on FB and Twitter and hopefully managing time to keep writing here so I can grow with Steemit before the huge crowds flow in. Really good to meet and chat with you. Don't be a stranger please

I followed you so I remember to keep in touch @sflaherty--improved communications and relationships are actually my new year's resolution for 2017. I have lots of room for growth there!! :)

Awesome, I am glad to have your follow. I been kind of off and on this weekend with Steemit, been so slow here the last few days so I figured work on a SLACK for my Steemit Blogger Central thing and now just got it up and running. If your interested let me know, I have to send invites at the moment to users email addresses but working on an auto way to handle that soon. I am going to let users post in there and I will repost their stuff on my Twitter and Facebook for SBC...figure help where I can and let everyone have a place to gather. Hopefully it grows