Ready To Get Woke? Shocking Woke.AS Fuck podcast Feat Max Igan! ;)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

There is so much going on in the world today... So much "good" and so much "bad" ..... So much confusion. So much fighting. It seems that our "rulers" just want us distracted and at each other's throats. It's a great plan, but it will ultimately fail because people are starting to see through it. 

So far, most people would rather simply not talk about what is truly going on. It's not fashionable to bring up uncomfortable topics. 

Having good intentions, or doing your best may not be enough to pull our planet off of it's destructive path. We need to really talk about what is going on - without fear of being labelled this or that.

Well, if you are interested in where humanity is going, and you want to be a part of the awakening proccess that we are all going through (whether we know it or not) I invite you to join me for this very juicy, thought provoking (and yes, somewhat dark) episode of the Woke As Fuck podcast - featuring Max Igan

Do reach out and let me know your thoughts, I'd love to hear them :) .... 

Episode link is right at the bottom of the Woke.As website

See you on the other side ;)


Great, great interview! 2 of my fav guys having some REAL talk. Absolutely loved it :)

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment