Anything Worth Having Will Demand Blood, Sweat and Tears

in #life7 years ago

The last few years of my life have literally been a roller coaster ride as I made my way through a ton of ups and downs. This has taught me a really important lesson that I would like to talk about today.

What I have realized is that, anything worth having in life will demand blood, sweat and tears and when you finally hold it in your hands, you will know the utmost gratitude.

In fact, this was something my cousin had said to me when I was going through a rough patch in life about two years ago and I now know that it is indeed true. Even though it is kind of a bitter truth, it served as a great motivation for me at the time that pushed me to expand my boundaries.

Blood, Sweat and Tears

No matter who you are, there is always something that you want to get out of life. Yes, there are people who don’t really know what they want, and may be feeling lost, but even they have at least a vague idea or an “image” of what and how they want their lives to be.

Now comes the part of actually getting there. They say that the journey is more important than the destination and I couldn’t agree more with this. The journey that you undertake on the path to success is what moulds you into the person who deserves that success.

It is a path that is riddled with failures, twists and turns, pitfalls, thorns and will demand nothing but utmost focus and determination, blood, sweat and tears. Trust me, everyone I know, who has achieved even a modicum of success, has the same story to tell.

Just read about some of the successful people today and you will quickly realize that their successful life that we see right now, is only the tip of the iceberg while the 90% of it (the struggles) is hidden beneath the surface.

What Do You Value More?

I have always been taught by my parents that whatever we get in life after going through a lot of struggles, we will value that a lot more than the things we get very easily, and it is quite true!

The opposite is true too, when you perceive something as “worth it”, you are ready to go through anything to get to it, like that dream job for example.

Yes, there are people who are really lucky and get whatever they want with the snap of a fingers and although they might live a magical life like that, I think they are not able to appreciate the value of things to the fullest. That might just be me, but it is how I feel.

Anyways, if you are going through hardships and success is looking too far away into the distance, just remember that this very toiling, will one day get you there. Just keep up, and never give up. Never!


Of course
Life is a road of difficulties ..
And a way of examination for believers
Thank you for your words

Thank you for reading :)

With time it becomes easier to do things that are worth it, but you need to do it regularly.

What I value more is me,
Because I know what can give out

Time makes everything easier :)

time ... says that everything heals but allows you to value what you have. although with time you can lose it. it is a constant struggle to appreciate what we have

Words well written Sauravrungta. I wish more folks would take this timely advice to heart!

Thank you :)

yeah and it would be cool to get some more detail of how you @sauravrungta applied this in your own life as well!

Yeah, I will share stories about those times in future posts too. Not sure if I should share too much personal details as of now, hehe. I hope you understand :)

Of course nothing too personal :)

Awesome and well written, Thanks for sharing @sauravrungta

Thank you :)

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Thanks and good luck. Delegated 250 SP.

Thank you so much! I just checked the account details and came across the SP. So happy that I am searching for words :-)

What a wonderful gesture man :)

It's nothing really. It was just 250 SP only.

haha. That's relative isn't it. You're talking to someone who has 189 SP in total and you just delegated 250. So that's indeed a great gesture.

So inspirational and best traits to live by!! Please do check my work as well.

Thank you so much :)

Well, in life nothing comes easy that's what they say. Sometimes we have to get what we want in a hard way. Just don't give up.

Never give up!

The journey is absolutely more vital than the destination. Although, this fact has been replaced by most folks as they believe the end justifies the means.

I have always been taught by my parents that whatever we get in life after going through a lot of struggles, we will value that a lot more than the things we get very easily, and it is quite true!

No doubt!!! Success from Struggles is worth and better appreciated.

The journey should always be appreciated more.

But always good things come from high struggle. Through not giving up and being strong everything changes with time .
Nice post please

Exactly. That’s what everyone should try to do!

Doing them is a spectacular success.

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Try to engage with people and their posts rather than asking for upvotes.

That was truely inspirational, I have followed you, simply loved your thinking and your blogs, do check my post as well @varun1712

Thank you so much! :)

"Just keep up, and never give up. Never!". Those was the words that have shaken my feelings the most. A powerful message transmitted is such a beautiful emotionless way.

I really appreciate the work you put in this post, that`s why I must say a warming "Congratulations !"

Thank you so much for the kind words. It really means a lot :)

Actually, a hard worked post deserves more than I say. I m happy I could help you

I'd say embrace the struggle and turn it to gold. Envision that every little thing you are doing is like a step taking you further.

Thanks for sharing your story!

That’s so wise. Thanks for sharing

Thank you for writing this @sauravrungta - an inspirational piece. I remember twice when I was young, failing at two different endeavours within a couple of years of each other.

The first, I missed getting to the next level of my drivers licence - the ‘P’s’ - which is when you can finally drive without another qualified person in the car. It’s a big deal for a young person in Australia.
The second was when I didn’t get a high enough grade from my Year 12 to get into the University course I really wanted to study.

Both times, I remember my Dad telling me that I have two options - get back on the bike and have another shot, or keep wallowing in self pity and not have a drivers licence or university degree. I’m happy to say that I have both. Looking back, they were quite insignificant things, and that doesn’t mean that at the time they weren’t huge, but the human ability to overcome and achieve at all odds is always astounding. Just watch the paraolympics for a day and you can see many such examples more profound than these written in this reply.

Thanks again for writing this and your honesty that is laced throughout.

Thank you so much for sharing this. Your dad is absolutely correct. That’s the attitude we all need to have in life. :)

keep it up bro, i love ur speech

Thank you :)

Great post! I totally agree. I just posted something similar to this about mindset, and the difference between successful and unsuccessful thinking. Good stuff...

Thank you. Will check it out.

Muy interesante post, continua en tu empeño, siguiendote

Thank you so much :)

Yeah!many times in life we want to give up but if we have a strong will power ,i don't know from where but a voice comes that"Everything will be good" then we march forward our steps and realy that was great because if there is something wrong we find a good thing among all we should never give up.
Personally i never give up and i push everyone not to give up .

Yes that has happened to me too! Never give up. Just keep going :)

It takes thousands of years for the river to carve it's way, or and millions more for the mountain to form - but they do so patiently and with focus.

I echo everything you said here, good luck on your future endeavors.

Great insight. Thanks for sharing :)

My parents taught me the same thing. You will value it more if you have struggled for it. Great post by the way!Upvoted.

Yeah, and it is so true. Thanks for the kind words :)

Awesome post! you don't know how much this post applies to me. Thank you for this @sauravrungta

I am glad to hear that someone can relate to this. Thank you :)

Greatly written !! All I have learned from life till now is Consistency to do a work!! Failure is important to enjoy the pleasure of Success!!
And as it is Said in our Language Koshish karne waalo ki haar nahi hoti!!
In English it means- The person who never give up & try again and again never get defeats!!He will get success!!

Agreed totally!! Consistency is always the key. Never give up, no matter what. If you truly want it, you will get it. Makes me remember Shah Rukh Khan's dialogue in Om Shanti Om ;)

Well, nothing comes easy in life. Moreover, things that you earn with all your hard work makes you more happier than if it was achieved the easy way.

Exactly the point I was trying to make. :)

The future is bright despite the current hardships. You used some really nice pictures that made the message more vivid.

I like to take photos, write poems, and animate. Please come check out some of my recent posts which include many shots from a non-tropical Rainforest! Again, thanks for being a valuable Steemian!

Thank you for the kind words :)

That was truely inspirational, I have followed you, simply loved your thinking and your blogs, do check my post as well @sauravrungta

Thank you so much :)

Good choice of pictures. I agree hard work is the secret to success.

Thank you :)

I would agree with that @sauravrungtu; wise words. We value things about as much as the effort we put into obtaining them.

Which, I think, is also why people who win the lottery often end up with nothing again, after a few years. They didn't have to work for their riches, so they don't honor them in the same way as someone who had to work their fingers to the bone to make their million.

Bright Blessings to you!

Excellent point about that lottery thing. Since they got it suddenly and without much effort, they don't value it that much.

I like these words - especially that there are positives from every difficult journey. It is very true, and what i have also found over the years as well. You are writing of an issue that is very close and personal to you - I wish you well...

Thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate it :)

A human is made of beliefs.

Beliveing in things when time is hard definitely makes you a stroger human.

True words! :)

True. For anything worth having one must pay the price. Just don't give up!!

But sometimes, life throws such challenges at you that even after having accomplished what you wanted, all you remember is the struggle and not the sweetness of what you've accomplished.

Oh that is sooooo true!!!! I can totally relate with this. Somehow, even after achieving it, you are not as happy as you thought you would be, because you lost too much on the way. I have felt this too in life.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I've been in the grind as well but I don't plan on backing down anytime soon.

Thanks for reading. Keep it up man :)

Very true bro

Greetings @sauravrungtu Very good publication and excellent photos, I liked it a lot, if you can go through my publications and leave me your comment to keep improving and if you like you give me your support, thanks.